Jacques Baud: Kharkov and Mobilization

By Jacques Baud, The Postil, 10/1/22 Jacques Baud is a widely respected geopolitical expert whose publications include many articles and books, including Poutine: Maître du jeu? Gouverner avec les fake news, and L’Affaire Navalny. His most recent book is on the war in Uktraine, entitled, Operation Z. The recapture of the Kharkov region at the … Continue reading Jacques Baud: Kharkov and Mobilization

The Postil’s Interview with Jacques Baud on Russia/Ukraine

The Postil, 9/1/22 The Postil (TP): You have just published your latest book on the war in Ukraine—Operation Z, published by Max Milo. Please tell us a little about it—what led you to write this book and what do you wish to convey to readers? Jacques Baud (JB): The aim of this book is to show how … Continue reading The Postil’s Interview with Jacques Baud on Russia/Ukraine

Jacques Baud: The Hidden Truth about the War in Ukraine

By Jacques Baud, The Postil, 8/1/22 The cultural and historical elements that determine the relations between Russia and Ukraine are important. The two countries have a long, rich, diverse, and eventful history together. This would be essential if the crisis we are experiencing today were rooted in history. However, it is a product of the … Continue reading Jacques Baud: The Hidden Truth about the War in Ukraine

“The [West’s] goal is not to help Ukraine, but to fight Putin”: An Interview with Jacques Baud

English translation published at Monthly Review, 6/6/22 This interview comes to us through the kind courtesy of the Swiss journal, Zeitgeschehen im Fokus. In it, Jacques Baud brings us up-to-date on the Ukraine situation, while providing us with great insights, in his usual, inimitable way. He is in conversation with Thomas Kaiser. [Note: This English … Continue reading “The [West’s] goal is not to help Ukraine, but to fight Putin”: An Interview with Jacques Baud

Jacques Baud: The Military Situation in the Ukraine—An Update

By Jacques Baud, Postil Magazine, 4/11/22 Jacques Baud is a former colonel of the General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, and specialist on Eastern countries. He was trained in the American and British intelligence services. He has served as Policy Chief for United Nations Peace Operations. The Operational Situation As of March 25, … Continue reading Jacques Baud: The Military Situation in the Ukraine—An Update