2 thoughts on “Russell Brand Discusses Resource and War Profiteering Interests in US-Russia Proxy War in Ukraine”

  1. I find the way Youtube always tries to promote Brand’s videos to me a bit creepy. No reason they should based on my viewing history. So that’s suspicious. His great reset musings are childish and vacant. Seems to be a pied piper to me. Definitely have zero interest in listening to this self promoting shallow new age narcissist thoughts on the war.

  2. I mostly like Russel Brand, like his cheerful approach to what must be an awfully dark and cynical reality to present to people. But this just a generic rant along the lines of “Davos Man probably doesn’t prioritize your interests”, which is ultimately at the root of things, but doesn’t do much to fill in the details between there and here.

    Also don’t think the conflict is primarily resource-driven, or to be specific, not driven by the resources in Ukraine. Valuable though they may be, what’s at stake IMO is control of both material resources and control of trade in the big Eurasia.

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