Saagar Enjeti: MSNBC Liberals Say Putin is Worse Than Hitler

I’m convinced that if we end up in WWIII, it will be because of the recklessness of our media. I know parts of the Russian media can be crazy, too, but I wonder if any mainstream Russian TV news show ever suggested that a warring U.S. president was comparable to or worse than Hitler. Any of my followers in Russia or who are familiar with Russian media can let me know.- Natylie

9 thoughts on “Saagar Enjeti: MSNBC Liberals Say Putin is Worse Than Hitler”

  1. The word hysteria is the only way to describe the current state of mind in the US media. The grotesque hypocrisy is simply too much to bear. Just 20 years ago the US launched a totally illegal war and invasion against the sovereign country of Iraq and destroyed it. Fallujah was leveled completely. During the war and its aftermath 1 million Iraqis were killed. No sanctions were imposed against the US/UK./NATO. Nobody was accused or prosecuted for war crimes. The mentality of US exceptionalism is so ingrained, so totalizing, that it becomes impossible for 99% of the people to even acknowledge the hypocrisy. And with the media whipping up anti-Russian hysteria 24/7, any rational debate is also impossible. It would not surprise me if soon there is a call to create internment camps for all Russians and Russian-Americans living in the United States, as was done with Japanese-Americans during WW II. But how many US citizens even know about those internment camps? Bottom line: We live in a “Do as we say, not as we do” world, with the US/UK/NATO creating the rules, selectively applying them according to their interests, and then enforcing their control. The Ukrainians are pawns. The war in Ukraine is a proxy war between the forces that seek to maintain a unipolar world and the forces that seek to create a multi-polar world. The stakes are high.

    1. ‘Just 20 years ago’ … some US troops still in country . “Mysterious forces” have most recently been waging a car bomb type terror campaign against members of parliament there, to interfere with Iraq’s long overdue government formation after the last election, where the Sadrists won an unexpected plurality.

      US forces still in Syria, where after the ‘friendly’ extremists we funded couldn’t do the regime change we asked for, we are still occupying half the country – shamelessly looting oil to keep the men busy.

      Afghanistan, truly the epic story which encapsulates all that is dysfunctional, this past year after being forced to leave, we (US) decided to the bank deposits which fed the wrecked country, as punishment. In practice, and predictably just like previous instances of the same tactic, it means we are starving the civilians out of spite. No tears shed on the evening news as far as I could see.

      Overall, the US-led post-cold-war “rules based order” has been filled with the same type of cynical brutality as what came before it, so I suppose it’s irrational to be surprised or outraged or despair for what is happening — but I still am. One would think that bankrolling a bunch of guys who made Bandera’s 110th birthday a national holiday (just a couple years ago, look it up), thousands marching around for years with SS badges sewn on the uniforms, systematically sabotaged the ceasefire that was at least keeping the violence to a low simmer, and reportedly threatened to lynch their then-dovish Jewish president until he gave in an allowed the government to flip to the far-right’s hawkish policy….. you’d think it might have made someone among those who approved US sponsorship of the whole thing, to think twice. But no, that too is in character – if you look below the surface at the history of Latin America and Middle East conflict, it fits right in.

      This is not to dismiss or belittle the suffering of ordinary Ukrainians, who are powerless against their government being hijacked by the right wingers, and did nothing to deserve being invaded, or prior to that, did nothing to deserve having a bitter but comparatively nonviolent political dispute be escalated into what was in effect a civil war with a big helping of proxy sponsorship.

      The selective outrage on our (US) side is part and parcel of a cruel and sadistic larger whole. Ignore it and it continues — or gets worse. It’s now an open question whether it is or is not ‘our world’, but for those who claim the prerogatives of that, they should also take ownership of these ugly realities. Flat-out refusal to even consider the subject (and it’s no wonder why) has become the most prominent characteristic of the “national discourse”.

      /RANT OFF

  2. the West are supporting the heirs to Hitler in Ukraine, plenty of swastikas, wolfsangel and rune insignias to be seen at the battle front, the blanket of hysterical media prints non of it. Russia is the only one fighting the fascists.

  3. Wow! If I heard correctly, one guest actually said Hitler wasn’t so bad because he didn’t harm “his own people!” And these people call themselves “journalists!”

    1. As I said in a Twitter thread in response to people I once considered reasonable even taking up this “Putin is comparable to Hitler” line, I can’t help but think that this propaganda is made possible by the fact that almost everyone who lived through or fought in WWII is now dead. I don’t think this gross distortion of the facts about Hitler would have gone over as easily 30 years ago.

  4. Hello Natylie

    I notice that you don’t accept comments that are not on the Russian side of the median line. Shame on you for your censorship.

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