Dear Readers,
I’d like to wish you a happy new year and to thank you for reading my posts regularly.
Due to the demands of my day job and caregiving duties to a family member, the volume of posts to this blog will be lower than in 2022. I will continue to post to the best of my capacity and will hopefully be able to even write an original piece here and there.
Thanks for providing such a wide-ranging perspective. All the best with your challenges.
Thanks for providing such a wide-ranging perspective. All the best with your challenges.
Your efforts are appreciated — you are one of my daily stops, right up there with MoA, the Duran, and Sonar21. I hope that you will be able to continue.
P.S. – I would happily contribute to support your work, but I do not see a mechanism.
Best wishes in the coming year for you and your family’s health.
Your work is superb. Thank you. Best of luck in the New Year.
Family always comes first, I appreciate the non-biased sources of information you provide.
Very happy 2023 Natylie! Thank you so much for the service you provide!
Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous new year to you, Natylie.
The caregiver thing is burdensome beyond description. I took care of my Grandma for her last 7 years, and my life was never the same again. We do it for love, but it is still one hell of a heavy cross to bear. Much respect and God bless you.
Best wishes for everything that comes your way in 2023. Thanks for providing many interesting posts. Take care
I am pleased to echo all of the appreciative comments and wish you satisfaction and recognition for your familial and community contributions. Best wishes for a rewarding and interesting 2023 with at least the minimum respite.
Thank you Natylie for all your efforts to present a balanced view of what’s going on in Russia. We are not getting that from the mainstream media so your blogs are an excellent resource. I’m hoping that you don’t get too stressed out by the demands in your life and will find some time for “R & R” (rest and relaxation)
PS: I wonder if you could contact Ed Snowden. . It might be interesting to get his take on what’s going on.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that people like yourself have other responsibilities.
Thanks for your amazing output in the last year. It’s been a superhuman effort
And I loved your Grand Chessboard book . It’s what woke me up to the whole Russia-Ukraine issue.
Thanks for all your work.
You’re doing an incredibly fine job for public education. So feel good about slowing down a bit…
Admiringly, Jan Oberg
The slowdown is well deserved.
Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful New Year.