Geoffrey Roberts – Putin’s Trump Card: Ukrainian Membership of NATO

What do readers think of this analysis and proposal? – Natylie

By Prof. Geoffrey Roberts, Brave New Europe, 4/22/24

President Vladimir Putin started the Ukraine war and he could – and should – end it by negotiating a peace deal that includes Ukraine’s membership of NATO.

Such a scenario is not as implausible as it might seem. While a Russian military victory in Ukraine is all-but assured, Putin needs to win the peace as well. He went to war to safeguard Russia’s security and to protect pro-Russian Ukrainians. The last thing he needs is a permanent confrontation with a militarised West abetted by a defeated but still dangerous Ukraine. He needs a stable European and international order that will facilitate Russia’s recovery from the war, not least the rebuilding and re-population of its newly acquired territories in Ukraine.

For Putin to contemplate such a radical concession, Ukraine and its Western backers would have to give cast-iron commitments to Ukraine’s permanent demilitarisation, albeit within the framework of NATO membership. Establishing Pan-European security structures that contain conflicts rather than incubate them would also be a crucial part of any peace package.

Russia has been railing against Ukraine joining NATO since the country was first slated for membership in 2008. There is no chance it will rub-out this red line in advance of any peace talks but a private signal that Putin might be prepared to allow Ukraine to join NATO under certain conditions is not so improbable.

Putin did not invade Ukraine to prevent it becoming a member of NATO. By the time he launched the so-called Special Military Operation (SMO) in February 2022, Ukraine was de facto a NATO member and rapidly developing into a highly threatening Western military bridgehead on Russia’s border. In Putin’s eyes, Ukraine had become an anti-Russia – an ultra-nationalist state intent on using NATO as a shield to re-gain by force Crimea and rebel Donbass. The SMO was a preventative action to nip that danger in the bud and to force the West to negotiate a security treaty that would preclude further NATO deployments along Russia’s borders.

Putin’s gambit almost succeeded. In spring 2022 there were Russo-Ukrainian peace talks in Istanbul that resulted in a number of draft agreements under which Russia would withdraw its troops in exchange for Ukraine’s neutralisation and disarmament. But many details remained unresolved, above all the nature of an international security guarantee of Ukraine’s future territoriality, sovereignty and independence.

Kiev walked away from these talks and it may well have been the West’s refusal to underwrite the proposed security guarantee that prompted Zelensky to withdraw from the negotiations. Certainly, the West proved more than willing to continue its extensive military support of Ukraine as part of a proxy war to topple the Putin regime.

Two years into the Western proxy war on Russia, Ukraine’s integration into NATO is infinitely greater. Co-operation and co-ordination of Ukrainian and Western militaries could hardly be closer. Ukraine’s war effort is sustained by Western arms, money and intelligence, not to speak of special forces, mercenaries and sabotage groups. Cutting Kiev’s connections with NATO would require Ukraine’s complete capitulation, or its wholesale occupation by Russia.

Ukraine’s rapidly approaching military defeat means that ending the war as soon as possible is Kiev’s and the West’s most rational course of action. The longer the war goes on, the greater will be Ukraine’s defeat. The sooner it ends, the more salvageable will be Ukraine’s sovereignty and the more viable its independent statehood.

The problem is that Western and Ukrainian politicians don’t how to extricate themselves from the conflict without a catastrophic loss of political face.

John Mearsheimer has suggested the United States could cut the Gordian Knot by severing all its security connections with Ukraine. But, as he himself says, this is most unlikely, given Western leaders’ immense economic, ideological, political and psychological investment in defeating Russia in Ukraine

Signalling that Ukraine might be able to join NATO could help open the door to serious peace negotiations. Ukrainian membership of NATO would be spun as success for the West, but PR is far less important than the achievement of Putin’s prime goal – neutering the NATO-Ukraine threat to Russia’s security.

Ukraine’s military collapse in the coming weeks and months seems increasingly likely but that would not necessarily terminate the war. Kiev’s remaining forces may be able to retreat to the Western banks of the Dnieper and hold out in big cities like Kharkov and Odessa. Such respite might be temporary, but it could be enough to prolong the war into 2025 and beyond. In a worst-case scenario, the Kiev government could flee abroad and continue the fight from exile, much like many European governments did during World War II.

Russian hardliners are sanguine about such prospects. They believe neither Ukraine nor NATO can be trusted to honour any commitments they might make to Russia and that the only lasting victory is Russia’s occupation of the whole of Ukraine.

Western hardliners are equally keen to ‘fight to the last Ukrainian’ – seen as a way to weaken Putin’s regime and buy time to prepare for a direct war with Russia in the not too-distant future.

Western publics were never enthusiastic about NATO’s dangerous proxy war with Russia, and this scepticism has been reinforced by an avalanche of media reports detailing Russia’s military advances and Ukraine’s huge losses of men and materiel.

Support for continuing the war is also crumbling within Ukraine as more people embrace the detested but realistic outcome of trading territory for peace.

In Russia, public support for Putin’s war remains strong but a majority want to see the conflict resolved as soon as possible, even if that means a compromise peace.

A peace settlement that included Ukraine’s membership of NATO would be anathema to a substantial minority of Russians, but Putin’s overwhelming victory in the presidential election shows he has the power and popularity to face down such opposition.

In the West, the current chatter about a possible Ukraine peace deal centres on the idea of reviving the Istanbul peace talks – of updating the draft agreements of spring 2022, notably to take account of the formal incorporation of the provinces of Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporozhe into the Russian Federation in October 2022.

Recent comments by Putin have lent credence to the possibility of an Istanbul+ peace agreement. Everyone assumes Ukraine’s non-membership of NATO and its neutrality will remain key Russian demands. But the decisive tilt of the war in Russia’s favour has radically changed the strategic situation.

Russia demanded Ukraine’s neutrality to keep NATO at bay. That goal has now been achieved by other means – Russia’s military expansion into Ukraine. How far Putin intends to go remains unclear. Occupation of the whole of eastern and southern Ukraine is one possibility, but more likely is the establishment of a demilitarised zone as a security buffer between Russia and a rump Ukraine. In any event, Ukraine’s formal neutrality would be of little practical importance.

Crucially, there is the unresolved issue of a security guarantee for unoccupied Ukraine. Without some kind of guarantee there can be no negotiated peace settlement. By far the simplest solution is for NATO to provide this by virtue of Ukraine’s membership of the organisation. Arguably, NATO, with its diverse membership and its collective decision-making, would be a far more stable container of Ukrainian revanchism than any ad hoc security guarantee.

In the 1950s the Soviets feared re-armed West Germany’s entry into NATO would revive German militarism and aggression. Actually, membership of NATO (and the EU) helped pacify Germany.

Conceivably, Putin could agree to such a step, provided Ukraine remains disarmed and NATO’s commitment to its security purely defensive. While there is no guarantee NATO and Ukraine would stick to their commitments, the hard-line alternative of seeking total victory and a dictated peace has its own drawbacks, notably the cost in lost Russian and Ukrainian lives.

A grand gesture by Putin that conceded Ukraine’s membership of NATO as part of an overall peace settlement would be an act of true statesmanship, not least in the eyes of his many friends and allies in the Global South.

14 thoughts on “Geoffrey Roberts – Putin’s Trump Card: Ukrainian Membership of NATO”

  1. No.

    Given the actions, rhetoric, and posturing by the U.S., the EU, and NATO, it’s clear that should Ukraine survive this war within some definable boundary, it can never join NATO. Roberts describes a scenario that supposes the west will live up to some kind of security agreement. Why on earth would Russia trust that? At this point, the west (mainly the U.S.) can’t be trusted to take out the garbage, let alone honor any agreement.

    What might have been negotiable a couple of years ago is no longer on the table. It can’t be, due to the west’s aggressive perfidy. Russia needs to win a total military victory and dictate the terms: all of Ukraine that’s historically Russian returns to Russia, while what’s left is placed under Russian military occupation and, if need be, martial law. Sort of like what the Americans did in Japan after World War II. At some point, limited Ukrainian sovereignty might be possible, but only in a state absolutely bound to neutrality through international guarantees.

    Trusting in the U.S. alone to live up to an agreement — signed or otherwise — is a fool’s game.

  2. The author is living in an alternate universe where NATO is not an anti-Russian war machine, and the collective west can be trusted to keep their promises.
    It must be nice to live there!

  3. ” Ukraine and its Western backers would have to give cast-iron commitments to Ukraine’s permanent demilitarisation, albeit within the framework of NATO membership” – these two statements are mutually exclusive. Russia has no reason to trust the west’s “cast-iron” or any other kind of commitment. I believe Prof. Roberts is just trying it on. I don’t believe either Putin or any of the others in the Kremlin would think this was a way forward. NATO needs to retreat, not grow (unless they can “grow up”, but that would require a few more adults in the group.) Russia would be ok with then joining the EU, though why anyone would want to in their present state is beyond me. Neither NATO nor the EU can afford to shoulder the mess they’ve made in Ukraine. IMHO etc.

  4. Looking for options to initiate a path to peace I don’t think it is practical to start with the one thing that Russia has categorically rejected namely, Ukrainian membership of NATO. Worse, NATO is aggressively anti-Russian at its very heart and is a prime source of global instability. Allowing Ukrainian membership will not change this. NATO is THE problem and an effective peace is likely incompatible with a continuation of NATO. That might sound Utopian but Russia right now is not in a hurry. A better place to start might be something that actually addresses what Russia has said it is most interested in namely, talks towards a new European security architecture and a global conversation to accommodate the emerging multipolar order. The proper umbrella for this, I would suggest, is the UN, ideally with a reformed UNSC. There will be no resolution for as long as Washington and the world is ruled by a fanatic neocon cabal and so long as it is captured within the oppressive insularity of liberal neocon authoritarian ideology (as in: what we say is best goes).

  5. Seconding the first two respondents. But, there is a glimmer of sense in this mad idea :… it fits a long-standing pattern of pre-2022 Kremlin surprising the russophile public with its spinelessness.

  6. The key issue is, the west CANNOT be trusted, so all the theories are pointless. The USA will continue to wage wars on countries with resources they want, and will continue to kill and lie as they’ve always done.

  7. I have to agree with the above commentators. NATO expansion – up to Russia’s borders – has been the issue, that is to say, “the reddest of red lines.” In addition, the West has reneged on all of the prior peace agreements, such as Minsk I and Minsk II, and undermined the peace agreement that Ukraine and Russia almost reached in April of 2022 to end the SMO. Moreover, the US is the country that has pulled out of vital nuclear arms agreements, including the vital INF Treaty, and has ignored Russia’s pleas for a pan-European security agreement. Why would Russia suddenly now trust the West?

  8. All great comments. I figured this one would generate some feedback! 🙂

  9. This concession would only be made if Russia was confident that NATO would collapse, which seems very likely. Not only is NATO collapsing, but the EU itself is reconfiguring.

    The core idea is good, that a new security architecture is required and that Russia needs stability to develop and integrated its new territories. The other strong point is the use of irrelevant labels to provide an ‘out’ to the US and its EU/NATO vassals.

    So, while on the face of it, this proposal looks silly, it contains within it some politically intelligent elements.

  10. Looking at it from the other side, why would The West/NATO want Ukraine if they couldn’t militarize it? This proposal is a complete non-starter.

  11. This blog is a godsend, a gift of future good humor as we get to see the silliness of “experts” exposed in the future. Keep up the good work.

  12. I agree with JM Hatch that this blog is full of important information about Russia that cannot be found elsewhere. We are fortunate that Natylie takes on the huge task of filtering through a myriad of articles on Russia and provides us with the most salient and thought-provoking articles. Спасибо, Natylie!

  13. not possible
    the west is Non Agreement Capable
    only fact on the ground matter

    Russia will not take all of Ukraine, they have no interest to have troops in Lviv.
    But I believe they have to take Odessa to stop attacks on Black Sea Fleet (supported by MI6 and CIA, who will never stop).
    Half a victory is not victory.

    a rump Ukraine will not continue fighting. They will be broken. Financially, morally and militarily, with half the population gone. And the west has no weapons left to give.

    NATO cannot accept Ukraine anyways as it has a border dispute, with a country NATO cannot defeat. Russia is winning and Ukraine has no chance (it never did).
    No reason for Russia to stop or the war will come back again later.
    That is an indictment on the western policy of constant warmongering, not a desire for Russia to wage war.

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