5 thoughts on “All signs point to a major war: Serbia’s President Vucic on the gloomy present”

  1. With the US presidential election in 4 1/2 months, 3-4 months sounds about right.

  2. Though Aleksandar Vučić is an authoritarian neo-liberal opportunist, a lot of what he says in this interview makes sense.

  3. Several things I would like to disagree with…albeit of course sharing the basic outline of his worries.

    -As NATO is concerned he merely speculates and gives no more evidence than we already have. He has warned of a big war to come in a couple of months one year ago already.
    (Another such alarmist, John Helmer e.g., was warning us of a possible attack under the guise of last year´s NATO air force exercise in Germany.)

    He is using this appearance to position himself in public. It´s totally normal to do this. And it´s way better to warn and demand peace than to do what the maniacs do in the EU.

    But I don´t want to fall for his instrumentalisation of this interview as a means to address his voters, the EU-controlled opponents in Serbia, Ukrainians who might listen and everyone else. He is acting it out too much for my taste. Too many insinuations, too much vague scaring. (May be I am alone in this.)
    But I prefer it more factual and with more facts like Swiss military analyst Jacques Baud would do it.

    (re: Natylie – may be you can do an interview with Baud.)

    -To describe the current West´s goal as preservation is misleading. In all the Cold War years the US never dared threaten Russian national integrity directly. They do now. That´s no preserving mode. That´s as expansionist as it comes.

    And BRICS are the ones who demand preservation of some world peace. If they move to more integration and defensive structures they do so merely due to the US´ aggressive stance. (Violent) change is actually enforced by the US.

    The book the Swiss quotes in the beginning on Istanbul negotiations is probably this one by former Swiss diplomat Jean-Daniel Ruch:
    “Crimes, Hate, Tremors: From one Cold War to the other, in pursuit of Peace and Justice”
    published by Weltwoche

    “Frieden und Gerechtigkeit
    Erfahrungen eines Schweizer Diplomaten zwischen Balkan, Russland und Nahost”

  4. Serbia sold, via Czechs, a few hundred thousand shells to NATO, so Vučić is both dreeing his weird and deflecting. He’s got his money off-shore, now he needs to make a move.

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