5 thoughts on “Dialogue Works Interviews MIT Professor Theodore Postol on Ukraine, Russia, & Putin”

  1. Postal is a good man, but he’s lost the MIC’s trust and has been kept out of the loop long enough that some of his data that he uses to build his case are no longer valid. The risk may be higher than he estimates, never the less his comments about the impact remain accurate.

    1. What data in particular do you think of?

      As “trust” goes: Well they have actually betrayed Postol, not the other way around. He stuck to loyalty, integrity, ethics. And above all, safety of the nation.

      Out of “gratitude” FBI was sent to his office setting him a trap which he did not fall for. In order to be able to speak out publicly he gave up his security clearance. It was a quid pro quo.

      But as physics and its laws go those do not change.

      p.s. He is a hell of a teacher.

      1. Kontainer over-the-horizon radar and Russian SPRN have been significantly upgraded over last 8 years, while Dr. Postal was giving outdated cold war specs in his recent internet interviews. Same for satellite information.


        Trust is not synonymous with loyalty, integrity, or ethics.

        A made man who turns informant can expect to pay, some have paid with their lives. He’s lucky to be famous enough and without politically sensitive information that isolation and time can render him sterile to the body politic.

        Yes he is a professor at a good school and MIT is still a decent school, though some of its colleges are starting to drift. Were you a student there? If so, then you should not be surprised that he can’t stay on top of everything without the resources of the state at his service..

        1. I really wish I would have had the time in recent years to learn Russian so I’d be able to understand that video you linked to. 🙂

          I have also caught the fact that Postol keeps referencing information from the 90’s when he talks about the deficiencies in Russia’s nuclear early warning systems and hope to get him to state unequivocally that he has data to confirm that these deficiencies are still present.

  2. Russia is the character, Dirty Harry asking the criminal on the ground, “do you feel lucky?” as Harry aims the .357 magnum at his head. “Well do you, punk?”

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