The Origins Of The Neocons And Their Lunatic World View | A History With Professor Michael Brenner

“Neocons are about the most dangerous species in international relations today. They are the kind of people who would rather see a million dead than chose a cooperative framework to resolve a (perceived) problem. Let’s remember the memorable words of Ultra-Neocon Madeleine Albright: When asked in 1992 at an interview if half a million dead Iraqi Children which the US sanctions on the country had caused was worth it, Albright replied: “I think that is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.” (…. If Hitler came back, he’d be a neocon. In this talk, professor emeritus Michael Brenner gives a comprehensive overview of the genesis and development of US neocons and the damage they are causing in international relations.”

YouTube link here.

One thought on “The Origins Of The Neocons And Their Lunatic World View | A History With Professor Michael Brenner”

  1. Neo-cons are very dangerous indeed, willing to risk nuclear war to obtain their own nefarious goals of world dominance.

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