Active Measures: Netflix Carries Fake Documentary on Ukraine Nazi Fighters

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Netflix is now carrying a mockumentary purporting to showcase the heroism of Ukraine’s 3rd Separate Assault Brigade, which is led by the infamous neo-Nazi Andriy Biletsky. The film’s director has said the fake documentary will be privately screened for the Pentagon and US Senate.

2 thoughts on “Active Measures: Netflix Carries Fake Documentary on Ukraine Nazi Fighters”

  1. Besides the scholarship of the late (great) Stephen F. Cohen, there is also the works of Richard Sakwa (now listed in Wikipedia as a Moscow academician but former professor of history/political science from the University of Kent (UK) that better describe the crisis with Russia that we are facing. As for cinema, Oliver Stone’s 2-part documentaries Ukraine on Fire (2016) and Revealing Ukraine (2019) are best resources. No doubt this readership knows these resources. Ukraine on Fire about the 2014 coup is still available online if one perseveres.

  2. The deep state has many active partners in the movie industry, which promotes propaganda and disinformation.

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