Anatol Lieven: How the Russian Establishment Really Sees the War Ending

By Anatol Lieven, Foreign Policy, 8/27/24

Discussions have been happening for some time among Western policymakers, experts, and the wider public about how the war in Ukraine ought to end. I can confirm that the same type of conversations are happening in Russia.

I recently had the opportunity to speak, on the basis of confidentiality, to a wide range of members of the Russian establishment, including former diplomats, members of think tanks, academics, and businesspeople, as well as a few members of the wider public. Their ideas about the war, and the shape of its eventual ending, deserve to be better understood in the West and in Ukraine itself.

Only a small minority believed that Russia should fight for complete victory in Ukraine, including the annexation of large new areas of Ukrainian territory or the creation of a client regime in Kyiv. A large majority wanted an early cease-fire roughly along the existing battle lines. There is high confidence that the Ukrainian military will never be able to break through and reconquer significant amounts of Ukraine’s lost territories.

Most of my conversations took place before the Ukrainian invasion of the Russian province of Kursk. As far as I can make out, however, this Ukrainian success has not changed basic Russian calculations and views—not least because, at the same time, the Russian army has continued to make significant progress farther east, in the Donbas, where the Russians are closing in on the key town of Pokrovsk. “The attack on Kursk may help Ukraine eventually to get rather better terms, but nothing like a real victory,” in the words of one Russian security expert. “They will sooner or later have to withdraw from Kursk, but we will never withdraw from Crimea and the Donbas.”

The Ukrainian incursion into Kursk has undoubtedly been a serious embarrassment to the Putin administration. It comes on top of a long row of other embarrassing failures, beginning with the appallingly bad planning of the initial invasion. And among the informed Russian elites, I get very little sense of genuine respect for Russian President Vladimir Putin as a military leader—though by contrast, there is much more widespread approval of the government’s economic record in resisting Western sanctions and rebuilding Russian industry for war.

Yet a key reason for my contacts’ desires for compromise was that they believed that Russia should not, and probably could not, attempt to capture major Ukrainian cities like Kharkiv by force of arms. They pointed to the length of time, the high casualties, and the huge destruction that have been involved in taking even small cities like Bakhmut in the face of strong Ukrainian resistance. Any areas of the countryside in Kharkiv province that can be taken should therefore be regarded not as prizes but as bargaining counters in future negotiations.

Underlying this attitude is the belief that to create a Russian army large enough to attempt such a complete victory would require a massive new round of conscription and mobilization—perhaps leading to the kind of popular resistance now seen in Ukraine. The government has been careful to avoid conscripting people from Moscow and St. Petersburg, and to pay large salaries to soldiers conscripted from poorer areas. Neither of these limits could be maintained in the context of full mobilization.

Partly for the same reason, the idea of going beyond Ukraine to launch a future attack on NATO was dismissed by everyone with derision. As I was told, “Look, the whole point of all these warnings to NATO has been to stop NATO from joining the fight against us in Ukraine, because of the horrible dangers involved. Why in the name of God would we ourselves attack NATO and bring these dangers on ourselves? What could we hope to gain? That’s absurd!”

On the other hand, every single person with whom I spoke stated that there could be no withdrawal from territory held by Russia in the four Ukrainian regions that Moscow claims to have annexed. A majority suggested that any territory in other provinces like Kharkiv could be returned to Ukraine in return for them being demilitarized. This would help guarantee a cease-fire and would also allow Putin to claim that he had ensured the safety of adjacent Russian provinces, which in recent months have been subject to Ukrainian bombardment. Some more optimistic Russians thought that it might be possible to exchange territory in Kharkiv for territory in the four provinces, none of which is currently fully occupied by Russia.

I found this balance of opinion among the people with whom I spoke to be fairly plausible as a wider picture, because on the whole it corresponds closely to the views of the wider Russian public, as expressed in opinion polls conducted by organizations that in the past have been found reliable. Thus in a poll last year by the Levada Center, sponsored by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, respondents were exactly equal (62 percent) in their desire for immediate peace talks and in their refusal to return the annexed territories to Ukraine.

Among my contacts, there were no differences on the subject of Ukrainian neutrality, which everyone declared essential. However, it would seem that serious thought is being given by sections of the Russian establishment to the vexed question of how a peace settlement could be secured without formal Western military guarantees and supplies to Ukraine. Hence the widely discussed ideas of a peace treaty ratified by the U.N. Security Council and the BRICS, and of broad demilitarized zones secured by a U.N. force.

As a leading Russian foreign-policy analyst told me, “In the West, you seem to think that only military guarantees are any good. But political factors are also critical. We have invested enormous diplomatic effort in building up our relations with the global south, which certainly would not want a new war. Do you think that if we could get a peace deal that met our basic requirements, we would throw all that away by starting one?”

Most said that if in negotiations the West agreed with key Russian demands, Russia would scale down others. Thus on the Russian demand for the “denazification” of Ukraine, a few said that Russia should still aim for a “friendly” government in Kyiv. This seems to be code for regime change, since it is very hard to imagine any freely elected Ukrainian government being friendly to Russia for a very long time to come.

A large majority, however, said that if Russian conditions in other areas were met, Russia should content itself with the passage of a law banning neo-Nazi parties and symbols, modeled on a clause of the Austrian State Treaty of 1955. My Russian interlocutors referred here to the treaty’s provisions for restrictions on certain categories of Austrian arms and for minority rights—in the case of Ukraine, the linguistic and cultural rights of the Russian-speaking population.

On one important point, opinion was unanimous: that there is no chance whatsoever of any international formal and legal recognition of the Russian annexations of Ukrainian territory, and that Russia would not press for this. It was recognized that this would be rejected not just by Ukraine and the West, but by China, India, and South Africa, none of which recognized Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The hope is therefore that as part of a peace settlement, the issue of these territories’ status will be deferred for endless future negotiation (as the Ukrainian government proposed with regard to Crimea in March 2022), until eventually everyone forgets about it. The example of the (unrecognized but practically uncontested) Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was mentioned. This means that Ukraine would not be asked publicly to “give up” these territories; only to recognize the impossibility of reconquering them by force.

In the end, of course, Russia’s negotiating position will be decided by Putin—with whom I did not speak. His public position was set out in his “peace proposal” on the eve of the West’s “peace summit” in Switzerland in June. In this, he offered an immediate cease-fire if Ukraine withdrew its forces from the remainder of the Ukrainian provinces claimed by Russia and promised not to seek admission to NATO.

On the face of it, this is ridiculous. Ukraine is never going to voluntarily abandon the cities of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia. However, Putin did not say that Russia will then occupy these territories. This leaves open the possibility that Putin would accept a deal in which these areas would be demilitarized but under Ukrainian administration and that—like the Russian-occupied parts of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia provinces—their status would be subject to future negotiation.

Nobody I spoke to in Moscow claimed to know for sure what Putin is thinking. However, the consensus was that while he made terrible mistakes at the start of the war, he is a pragmatist capable of taking military advice and recognizing military reality. Thus when in November 2022 Russian generals advised him that to attempt to hold Kherson city risked military disaster, he ordered withdrawal —even though Kherson was in territory that Russia claimed to have annexed and was also Russia’s only bridgehead west of the Dnipro River. Its loss has vastly reduced Russian hopes of being able to capture Odessa and the rest of Ukraine’s coast.

But while Putin might accept what he would regard as a compromise now, everyone with whom I spoke in Moscow said that Russian demands will be determined by what happens on the battlefield. If the Ukrainians can hold roughly their existing line, then it will be along this line that an eventual cease-fire will run. But if the Ukrainians collapse, then in the words of one Russian ex-soldier, “Peter and Catherine are still waiting”; and Peter the Great and Catherine the Great between them conquered the whole of what is now eastern and southern Ukraine for Russia.

9 thoughts on “Anatol Lieven: How the Russian Establishment Really Sees the War Ending”

  1. Lieven is limited in his access to Russian counterparts. Undoubtedly, there are members of the establishment who reflect the views Lieven reports. However, there are other establishment views that go unreported by him, because I am sure he has no entree into those circles. So a bit disingenous of him. Regardless of the views he reports, nobody in Moscow or elsewhere in Russia wants to end up with a settlement that will cause this conflict to be refought in 5 or 10 years. It is patently obvious, that if the West is given even a crack into which to reinsert itself in Ukraine, it will do so with alacrity. Enough. After this is all over, we want the West to get out of our lives and take its narratives with them.

    1. Anatol Lieven: “I believe all my drinking buddies are the Russian Establishment, and this is how they project/imagine the War’s Ending. Trust me, I have a bridge to sell you.”

  2. Lieven’s report is somewhat exaggerated. The Kursk incursion is for the most part a stunt. By the way, what happens when the Ukrainian line collapses in the Donbass?

  3. George Walker Bush (May 18 2022): “The result is an absence of checks and balances … and the decision of one man to launch a wholly unjustified and brutal invasion of Iraq… I mean of Ukraine.”

    No agreement with Washington may be relied upon for more than a few years.
    US political sociopaths will inevitably decide
    AmeriKKKan domestic political success requires treachery.

    Angela Merkel (German Chancellor—Die Zeit):
    “The 2014 Minsk Agreement was an attempt to buy time for Ukraine.
    Ukraine used this time to become stronger, as you can see today.
    Ukraine in 2014-2015 and Ukraine today are not the same.”

    Any part of Ukraine left in Washington’s hands will be a source
    of unbearable threats and endless provocations.
    This would make any post-war Ukrainian resurgence futile.
    So leaving any part of Ukraine in NAYOYO’s hands would be a grave strategic failure.

    Anatoly Antonov (Russian ambassador to the United States):
    “The emergence of tanks, bearing Nazi insignia,
    on the former Soviet soil unequivocally makes us aim
    at toppling the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine
    and creating normal conditions
    so that the neighboring peoples in the region
    could live peacefully like in the old days.”

    Russia is being forced to completely conquer Ukraine.
    I expect Lviv and Lutsk to become garrison cities.
    Everything west of these cities will become a military defence district.
    There won’t be any roads or rails.
    Just Russian bush, bunkers, mines, and missiles from the Belarus border to Nagorno-Karabakh.

    H. L. Mencken (1880 – 1956):
    “Nobody ever went broke
    underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”

    Anyone thinking Russia or China will negotiate existential security with
    corrupt, lying, war criminal Western politicians is delusional.

    George Carlin:
    “It’s called the American dream because
    you have to be asleep to believe it.”

    So it won’t be the vacuous opinions of irrelevant Westerners that define this war’s end. 
    It will be blunt demands and brutal facts on the ground
    that define Ukraine’s public defeat. 
    This war will end with Washington–NAYOYO humiliated,
    Russian tanks shaking the ground at western borders,
    and the Global South dancing drunkenly in the streets for a week.

    Winston Churchill (1944):
    ”I have left the obvious, essential fact to this point, namely,
    that it is the Russian Armies who have done the main work
    in tearing the guts out of the [Nazi] army.”

    William Casey (CIA Director 1981-1987):
    “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete
    when everything the American public believes is false.”

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