“From Soviet Dissident to Target of US Deep State” | Larry Johnson Interviews Dimitri K. Simes

Center for Citizen Initiatives, 9/6/24

Dear CCI Friends,

We would like to share with our readership a recent interview with renowned scholar Dmitri Simes about the FBI raid on his home in the United States a short while ago.

Dr. Simes is a distinguished writer and thinker and was head of the Center for National Interest in Washington DC for over 30 years. This think tank was founded by former US President Richard Nixon following his detente with the Soviet Union and the signing of the ABM treaty.  It was part of the effort by President Nixon to promote better understanding and better relations between the US and Russia. 

Please review the interview and make your own judgment. In our hope for better US Russia relations, it is important that all voices be heard, dissent not be seen as a threat, and freedom of expression be honored. In this interview, you will have the opportunity to listen personally to what Dr. Simes has to say, and the challenges facing those who seek a better environment of peace and security between the US and Russia….


Krishen, Paula and Pamela
Center for Citizen Initiatives

YouTube link here.

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