JFK: A President Betrayed (Documentary)

YouTube link here.

Film description from Center for Citizen Initiatives:

“John F. Kennedy contended with the fear of nuclear war with Russia and fought what that fear might lead to forcefully.  He also confronted the grave responsibility held by a free press in keeping Americans informed of what their government was doing to face that danger.  Do we not live in similar times?

The documentary…explains eloquently President Kennedy’s efforts to improve US-Russia relations that led to the peaceful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis, and to the nuclear test ban treaty. It also explains the resistance that President Kennedy faced from those in his own administration who were opposed to such efforts.”

2 thoughts on “JFK: A President Betrayed (Documentary)”

  1. American Exception @americanexception9407
    This podcast by Aaron Good, who did his PhD work on the Deep State, has a number of very good interviews on Kennedy Admin and it’s numerous enemies inside American Money and Power.

  2. we should all read the book, ‘JFK The Unspeakable’ to get a better ulnderstandiing of what he tried to do, and how it cost him his life.

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