Millennium 7 – ORESHNIK Attack: Nobody Noticed This.

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What do people think of this report? Does this sound like it could serve as a non-nuclear capability for a decapitation strike on Europe? Let me know in the comments. – Natylie

2 thoughts on “Millennium 7 – ORESHNIK Attack: Nobody Noticed This.”

  1. Reasonable but not new, and hinted when Putin announced the strike on the factor, ie: not a first decapitation of NATO’s leadership, particularly the Civilian leadership, but rather the possibility to decapitate NATO nuclear weapons capacity, particularly the Agis on-shore facilities and cruise missile storage facilities in EU. Hence the statement by Putin about knowing where the weapons were. Finding remote launchers in the field… not so easy, but fixed facilities are easy. Thus it’s a non-nuclear nuclear strike in the sense that hitting nuclear weapons on their launch pads would release highly toxic and radioactive heavy metals into the local environment.

    The west keeps going on about how clean their fusion H-bomb weapons are compared to Hiroshima atomic (fissile) bombs, but this is based on the bombs going off correctly and thus consuming most of the medium/long term radioactive products. A failed explosion or a disruption by an external force would leave most of these “fuels” un-reacted, along with the many other nasty metal/chemical compounds and spread them around the launch area instead creating a neutron burst over the victims. Hope this helps.

  2. Separately, Poseidon is a very interesting weapon, it could be used to neutralize the submarine based ICBM threat by simply having a general area plot of all submarines at once, instead of needing to have hunter-submarines with precise fixes on all ICBM submarines without being detected by their own submarine hunters, both surface and below surface.

    Both USA and Russia are playing a game that this system is aimed at coastal cities as a deterrent, but the real deterrent is to break the idea that USA can fire off all it’s land based ICMBs in a decapitation strike, knowing it’s submarine fleet could be used at leisure to attack any places that survived the first strike. It’s an interesting way to restore deterrence. If we can survive Joe Biden attempting to get into heaven the hard way, then this technology could help undo the instability caused by hypersonic nuclear missiles once the USA finally gets them.

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