All posts by natyliesb

Anatol Lieven: An unfortunate rush to judgment in Georgia elections | Andrew Korybko: Duda Claims Georgia’s Pro-Western President Has No Evidence of Russian Meddling

By Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 10/30/24

One did not have to be an Elijah or an Amos to predict the aftermath of the Georgian elections, but all the same, the Quincy Institute and Responsible Statecraft can claim a modest prize for prophecy. The domestic and international background to the elections and the ensuing crisis are analyzed in a QI policy brief published earlier this month; and as I wrote for RS back in July:

“Parliamentary elections are due in Georgia on October 26, and the universal opinion among Georgians with whom I have spoken is that if the government wins, the opposition, backed by pro-Western NGOs, will allege that the results were falsified, and will launch a mass protest movement in an effort to topple the Georgian Dream government. Judging by recent statements, most Western establishments will automatically take the side of the opposition. This narrative is already well underway, with lines like ‘Government vs. the People in Georgia’ and ‘a crisis that has pitted the government against its people.’ This suggests that Georgia is a dictatorship in which ‘the people’ have no say except through street protests.”

This is exactly what has happened. According to the results issued by the National Election Commission, the governing Georgian Dream Party won 53 percent of the vote to 38 percent for the different opposition parties. The opposition, however, immediately alleged fraud, and declared that its MPs would boycott the new parliament, thereby depriving it of a quorum.

The pro-opposition President, Salome Zourabichvili, stated that Georgians were “victims of what can only be described as a Russian special operation – a new form of hybrid warfare waged against our people and our country.” However, when asked by Western journalists to substantiate this, she could only say that the government had used “Russian methodology.”

She mixed accusations of electoral falsification with an appeal for “the firm support of our European and American partners to the part of Georgia that is European, that is the Georgian population.” This is a quite different argument. It implies that whatever the results of the elections, the only real “Georgian population” is the part that identifies with the West. Only their voice is truly legitimate, and a government that does not unconditionally follow the “European Path” is inherently illegitimate, elections or no elections.

Much of the Western media immediately responded with headlines like “Georgians join mass rally” and “Georgians protest contested election results,” suggesting (without directly asserting) that this is indeed a case of “the people” against a government, as if the government has no real support at all – despite the fact that even if the government’s election victory is contested, there can be no doubt at all that a very large proportion of the Georgian population voted for them.

The Biden administration and other Western governments and institutions have not even waited for detailed reports from their own observers to call the election results into question. Moreover, it must be stated with regret that many of these observers can hardly be called objective.

President Biden, absurdly, “cited international and local observers’ assessments that elections in Georgia were not free, nor fair;” absurdly, because the local observers are overwhelmingly from NGOs closely linked to the Georgian opposition. As to monitors from the West, in many cases their parent institutions have spent months denouncing the Georgian government as undemocratic and under Moscow’s sway.

The most reliable monitoring historically has come from the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). Its preliminary comments on the elections:

“Imbalances in financial resources, a divisive campaign atmosphere, and recent legislative amendments were of significant concern throughout this election process… Yet the engagement shown on election day—from the active voter participation, robust presence of citizen and party observers, and rich diversity of voices—gives the sign of a system that is still growing and evolving, with a democratic vitality under construction.”

Though far from a ringing endorsement, this does not allege that the elections were rigged. Moreover, the government’s use of its financial and administrative resources to tilt the result have been true of every Georgian election since independence (as well as some in the West). As to the “divisive campaign atmosphere,” responsibility for this is obviously shared between government and opposition. The Georgian Election Commission has called a recount in a small number of constituencies, which should be closely and independently observed.

All Western institutions and commentators should therefore wait for the final OSCE/ODIHR report before drawing firm conclusions. However, two early assessments seem plausible: First, that there were most probably a good many cases where the government bought votes, intimidated voters, and engaged in other acts of electoral manipulation. Second, however, to legitimately endorse the reversal of a 53% to 38% government victory will require proof of rigging on a very large scale. Maybe that can indeed be provided. Let us wait and see.

Aspects of the Western response have troubling implications that extend far beyond Georgia. Much media “reporting” from Georgia has been closer to opinion articles based on interviews with the Georgian opposition. Interviews with voters who favor the government, with explanations of their reasons for doing so, have been rare indeed. Many Western journalists also seem to feel — if only unconsciously — that the only Georgians (and others in the world) who truly deserve a voice are those who identify with the West and the opinions of the journalists asking the questions.

This is also reflected in an amusing headline from the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty — “How the World Sees the Disputed Georgian Elections” (accompanied by a large photograph of Secretary of State Antony Blinken). Who is “the world” as quoted by RFE/RL?

One U.S. official, five EU officials, two Western NGOs, and — no doubt to give an impression of “balance” — one Hungarian and one Russian. The views of people in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America? They belong in RFE/RL’s “world” to the same degree that they take part in the World Series.

I often observed this tendency when I was a foreign correspondent myself, but especially since the Ukraine war and in any question touching on Russia, it has become a dominant and stifling pattern, enforced by editors, and encouraged by Western governments and lobbies. Journalists should ask themselves whether this really corresponds to their self-image as free, independent, and honest reporters from democracies that value honest and open debate.

The Georgian government has undoubtedly greatly exaggerated the degree to which the West and the opposition desire to push Georgia into a new war with Russia — though probably not the degree to which they would break economic relations with Russia, thereby damaging the Georgian economy and impoverishing many Georgians.

There is, however, something deeply unpleasant about well-paid Western commentators sitting safely in Washington, London, or Berlin, and dismissing as innately illegitimate and stupid the concerns of citizens of a small and poor country about relations with a very large and dangerous neighbor.

For if one factor in the Georgian government’s continued support among many Georgians has been fear of confrontation with Russia, another has been resentment at arrogant dictation from the West, and especially the EU, often without any regard to Georgian national interests or national traditions.

This of course is a feeling that is shared by a great many people who are citizens of the EU. It helped to explain Brexit, and the rise of “Euroskeptic” populist movements in many European countries. If you want people to support you, it is probably not a good idea to begin your appeal to them by implying that their views don’t count in any case because they are ignorant, illiterate Russian puppets who do not really deserve a vote anyway.


Duda Claimed That Georgia’s Pro-Western President Has No Evidence Of Russian Meddling

By Andrew Korybko, Substack, 10/30/24

French-born President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili, who also used to be the French Ambassador to Tbilisi, accused Russia of conducting a “special operation” after the ruling Georgian Dream party with whom she’s feuding won a majority during last weekend’s parliamentary elections. This figurehead leader then called on her people to protest, which can be considered a punitive Color Revolution for her opponents’ refusal to sanction Russia and open a second military front against it in the South Caucasus.

Her Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda, who by no stretch of the imagination can be smeared as a “Russian agent” or suspected of even being remotely sympathetic to that country after all that he’s done to help Ukraine fight against it since 2022, just dropped a bombshell that completely discredits her narrative. Here’s what he told Radio Zet that they talked about last month and on Monday as translated into English from his remarks that were published in Polish on that outlet’s website: 

“We talked about the general political situation and she outlined to me that Georgian Dream will probably win, but there is no indication that it will gain such an advantage that will allow them to govern on their own. The result that is being announced clearly contradicts what the president told me [last month]…(And during our latest talk,) The president did not say clearly [that Russia meddled], because there is no clear evidence for this, but let’s say that [Georgian Dream are] in a sense pro-Russian forces.”

Poland co-founded the EU’s Eastern Partnership in 2009 that was employed by the bloc to expand its influence in the remaining six former Soviet Republics in Europe besides Russia that had yet to join. It therefore considers itself to be a regional leader whose top representatives’ positions on newsworthy events in those countries are authoritative. Although he supported Zourabichvili’s call for an international inquiry, his contradiction of her claims about Russian meddling is thus very significant.

He could have lied about what they discussed a month ago and on Monday, not to mention leaving out how she lacks any evidence to back up her claim of Russian meddling during last weekend’s polls, yet he told the truth to his credit and consequently complicated the West’s narrative. Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, who represents Duda’s party’s rival in Poland’s complex political set-up after last fall’s elections, swiftly rebuked him in a similar manner as he did in spring when Duda talked about hosting US nukes.

Just like back then, Sikorski reminded Duda that “Foreign policy is conducted by the Council of Ministers, so before making a decision on a possible trip to Georgia, President Duda should familiarize himself with the government’s position on this matter.” This was in response to Duda telling Radio Zet that he considers it his “duty” in travel to Georgia “if there is a situation where it will be necessary”. The message is that Duda should stop sharing foreign policy opinions that contradict the aforesaid Council’s. 

With that in mind, Duda was either uninformed of the Council’s position when he shared what he discussed with Zourabichvili or he subverted it, both possibilities of which are plausible but speculation about this is moot since the indisputable outcome is that he completely discredited her narrative. It could also be that he was aware of the OSCE’s preliminary election observation report and naively assumed that the Council would go along with it since they hitherto relied on the group for guidance.

To be clear, Poland hasn’t claimed at the time of writing that Russia meddled in the elections, but Sikorski’s rebuke of Duda after he spilled the beans about his two recent conversations with Zourabichvili suggests that the Council is displeased with him for disclosing those sensitive details. Poland’s ruling coalition, which doesn’t include Duda’s party, might want to keep its options open for now and appears reluctant to endorse her meddling claims due to the OSCE’s politically inconvenient report.

Instead of confirming Zourabichvili’s fraud and meddling accusations like she assumed they would, they only shared some minor criticisms like they do with practically every election they observe, and they also surprisingly had some very positive things to say about the electoral process. This includes writing that “the legal framework provides an adequate basis for conducting democratic elections” and “Election day was generally procedurally well-organized and administered in an orderly manner”.

They also noted that “The initial phase of processing results protocols and election materials by [District Election Commissions], observed in all 73 electoral districts, was generally positively assessed.” Nevertheless, because of the OSCE’s minor criticisms and the disproportionate attention that the West paid to Zourabichvili’s scandalous accusations, Georgian election officials announced that they’ll recount ballots at five randomly selected polling stations in each voting district to confirm the polls’ legitimacy.

Considering the OSCE’s politically inconvenient report, Duda’s revelations about what he recently discussed with Zourabichvili, and the ongoing random recount that’ll dispel all reasonable doubt about the results once it’s done, there’s no reason to lend credence to Zourabichvili’s claims. This doesn’t mean that external forces might not orchestrate another Color Revolution, but just that the pretext upon which that might happen is totally false, which all honest observers should keep in mind going forward.


Here’s a video discussing arrogant comments made by State Department spokesman Matthew Miller about the recent Georgia election.

YouTube link here.

Ben Aris: Productivity at Russia’s Largest Enterprises Rising in Effort To Keep Economy Competitive

By Ben Aris, Moscow Times, 10/11/24

Production at the largest Russian enterprises grew rapidly in 2012-2023 despite the pandemic, sanctions and weak impact of production growth on wages. Productivity at the largest enterprises is up as owners scramble to counter a swathe of new problems and maintain their competitiveness, according to a survey from the Higher School of Business.

The survey comes at a poignant time following the recent release of the report from former Italian Prime Minister and ex-European Central Bank boss Mario Draghi that found Europe has lost its competitive edge and has fallen badly behind both China and the U.S.

Moreover, the war in Ukraine has also shown that the EU is well behind Russia in terms of the military-industrial complex, which is massively outproducing that of Europe after President Vladimir Putin put the economy on a full war footing. Europe faces the prospect of falling behind not only the U.S. but also Russia; as bne IntelliNews reported, China and Russia are the most powerful manufacturing countries in the world and Europe respectively. Despite everything, Russia’s economy is flourishing — for now.

But Russia is still facing multiple challenges. Recruitment for the war in Ukraine has driven unemployment to an all-time low of 2.4% and sent nominal wages soaring, making the issue of productivity more important than ever before. Increased production costs, as well as the inaccessibility of Western technologies and industrial equipment, have only added to the headaches and reduced the number of technological solutions.

The pandemic and sanctions crises have worsened Russia’s pre-existing problems with low productivity dynamics. In 2020, it fell by 0.4%, then in 2021 it grew by 3.7%. In 2022 it decreased by 3.6% compared to 2021, and in 2023 it recovered, but not much — by 1.7%, according to Rosstat. The need to increase productivity is now widely talked about at the highest levels, as Putin made clear in his guns and butter speech in March that maintaining the growth and development of the civilian part of the economy is as important as developing the military-industrial base.

The largest companies are at the forefront of the effort to lift productivity. HSB conducted a study of productivity and remuneration in the largest Russian companies in 2012-2023 — more precisely, the relationship between unit production, capital expenditures (CAPEX), the number of employees and personnel costs, Vedomosti reported. The sample included 71 companies that published financial statements under IFRS for 2012-2023 and disclosed the consolidated number of staff in annual reports or reports on sustainable development.

The classic approach to determining labor productivity involves calculating the added value per employee, but the costs needed to make this calculation are not included in the IFRS declarations. Instead, a company’s annual revenue per employee was chosen to assess labor productivity in the study.

Since 2012, Russian enterprises have experienced three unprecedented foreign economic crises: pandemic 2020 and two sanctions periods — 2014-2015 and 2022-2023. In 2020, due to lockdowns, revenue fell in most industries, and in 2023, enterprises had losses due to the sanctions restrictions. Sanctions were particularly painful as they led to losses even in the most efficiently run companies through no fault of their own.

The revenue performance in the sample was not even, with some companies enjoying leaps in revenues during the sanctions period while others suffered heavy losses. About two-thirds of organizations were affected by the sanctions imposed in 2022.

According to the respondents, for 39% of companies, sanctions restrictions created only problems, for 3% had only positive consequences, and for 25% experienced both.

According to a separate survey: 31% of respondents had an increase in production over the past five years, another 22% had a constant increase in production depending on market conditions, and 19% had no change or decreased slightly.

Vedomosti summed up the main effects on the various sectors in the HSB survey:

Oil and gas companies had a decrease in 2020 and 2023. But the decline in 2023 for all companies, except Gazprom, turned out to be small. Russian oil companies have reoriented oil exports to China and India, friendly countries of Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Oil production in Russia in 2023 decreased by only 2.2% to 523mn tonnes.

Sanctions against Russian gas were not imposed, but imports of pipeline gas from Russia to the EU in 2022 were halved. Domestic companies, primarily Novatek, began to very successfully increase LNG exports to the EU, and Russian liquefied gas began to displace LNG from the United States in Europe. The company’s revenue and output rose in 2023.

Iron and steel enterprises’ revenues fell in 2019, then in 2021 there was a noticeable increase, followed by a decline in 2022 due to sanctions. According to Worldsteel, steel production in Russia in 2022 decreased by 7.2% to 71.5mn tonnes. But according to RosStat, already in 2023 the total metallurgical production in Russia climbed by 6%. The domestic market became the main driver of growth.

Among non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises, UC Rusal showed the largest increase in revenue from 2020 to 2023. At first, the rise in aluminum prices helped, but in 2023 dollar revenue fell by 13% due to sanctions, supply chain disruptions and price reductions. However, UC Rusal managed to step up the production of aluminum, bauxite and sales of primary aluminum and alloys, according to the company’s IFRS.

The chemical industry group includes the manufacturer of polymers and rubbers Sibur and manufacturers of mineral fertilizers. In 2023 Sibur increased sales of polymers in the domestic market, replacing foreign supplies of synthetic materials. Thanks to significant investments in R&D, the company replenished the range with new brands of products, continued import substitution of critical special chemicals. For Sibur, 2023 was a year of rapid take-off.

In 2020-2022, the revenue of fertilizer manufacturers grew, and only in 2023 there was a decrease. Most of the products of these companies traditionally go abroad. In 2022, exports decreased by 15%, according to the Russian Association of Fertilizer Producers, and in 2023 they exceeded the level of 2022 by 5% in physical terms. Nevertheless, the companies’ revenue decreased due to a decrease in export prices by 1.5-2 times compared to the first half of 2022.

The sanctions crisis benefited Russian banks, insurance companies and the Moscow Exchange. In 2023, all of them increased revenue (banks had operating income before the formation of reserves) and production. In 2023, banks received a record net profit of 3.3 trillion rubles ($34 billion), according to the Central Bank. The main contribution was made by the growth of interest and commission income.

2020 turned out to be a turning point for transport and infrastructure enterprises. But in 2021-2022, almost all companies with data were able to recover, except for airlines. Revenue and production grew at Rostec, Transmashholding (TMH), Kamaz and Rosatom (Atomenergoprom).

For telecommunications companies, the sanctions meant that it would be impossible to purchase new equipment, which was 90% imported from operators, in the EU and the United States. Companies had to look for new suppliers. They manage to maintain services and infrastructure, but it becomes increasingly difficult to develop. Operators’ revenue is rising and production is also expanding, although not much.

Food retail grew steadily in 2020 and 2022-2023. The two leading supermarket giants X5 Group and Magnit had the best revenue growth rates.

Russia’s biggest companies do best

In general Russia’s largest enterprises fared well during the crisis, buoyed by rising real disposable incomes climbing to a record 9.6% in July or through state investment and spending boosting demand for their products: 67 of the 71 large firms said they saw production rise in the period.

Another factor protecting the big companies is that many of them enjoy a monopolistic power in the market that was dramatically boosted in 2022 by the departure of international firms, many of whom had been competing with these Russian leaders. This handed the Russian companies large slices of market share overnight. The unconditional biggest winners of the sanctions crisis are companies in the financial sector and the IT industry, according to the study.

In terms of revenue per employee the biggest winners were (10 million rubles/employee is circa $100,000/employee): in the oil and gas industry in 2023, Lukoil and Novatek had the highest labor productivity (75.4 million rubles and 69.6 million rubles per person respectively); in metallurgy and mining, NLMK and UC Rusal (21 million rubles and 19.4 million rubles per person); in chemistry and production of mineral fertilizers, Sibur and Fosagro (31.3 million rubles and 20.2 million rubles per person); in the financial sector, Moscow Exchange (40.6 million rubles per person); in the telecommunications and IT industry, Yandex (30.4 million rubles per person); in retail trade, (15.3 million rubles per person); in the transport infrastructure and transport infrastructure industry, Transcontainer (61.9 million rubles per person per year); and in mechanical engineering, Kamaz and TMH (12.8 million rubles and 11.8 million rubles per person per year).

In terms of percentage productivity gains, the leaders in terms of production growth for 2012-2023 were Far Eastern Shipping Company (DVMP) and Transcontainer (25.2% and 20.2% of average annual production growth respectively); insurance companies Sogaz (17.1%) and Alfastrakhovanie (16.3%); banks Alfa-Bank (16.4%) and VTB (15.7%); machine-building enterprises TMH (17.3%) and Kamaz (14.6%), as well as manufacturer of mineral fertilizers Fosagro (15.7%), and oil company Tatneft (14%).

Can Russia compete with the biggest foreign companies?

The American Center for Productivity and Quality (APQC) calculated cross-industry performance indicators of employees according to the sample of the largest American enterprises that are members of APQC.

The median value of production of one employee is $310,000 per year (26.6 million rubles), employees of 25% of the best enterprises generate an average of $564,706 (48.5 million rubles at the average exchange rate of 2023); the worst 25% yield an average of $176,471 (15.1 million rubles).

In a sample of 71 Russian companies, only 10 companies, including Rosneft, Gazprom Neft, Moscow Exchange, Russneft, Sibur, Yandex and Unipro, had better indicators than the American median. And three companies — Lukoil, Novatek and Transcontainer — corresponded to the group of 25% of the best American largest enterprises, reports Vedomosti.

The Russian indicators improve if the average ruble exchange rate is used, as the Russian national currency has weakened recently due to the mounting yuan liquidity crisis that has depressed Russian exports, confusing the picture.

According to APQC calculations, the median output of an employee in the United States is about four times higher than the employer’s costs, and in the most efficient companies this figure is 7.3 times. According to this parameter, Russian enterprises are ahead of American ones: 38 companies out of 71 correspond to the group of 25% of the best enterprises in the United States. And only six sample companies had worse than the median figures in 2020.

The greater gap between the employee’s output and his costs is explained by the fact that interest rates and bonuses for business risks are higher in Russia and in general, lower personnel costs compared to revenue are typical for poor countries.

Capex comparisons

The impact of Capex on labor productivity depends on the technical equipment and quality of the organizational form of the enterprise: the level of Capex, the qualification of the workforce, as well as the quality of management and operational processes, HSB says.

However, the study showed a weak impact of Capex on production in the largest companies in 2012-2023. There was a weak positive correlation (0.24) between the dynamics of production and the growth of Capex. And between the dynamics of production and the average ratio of Capex and revenue, there is a weak negative correlation (-0.29) — the more you spend, the less growth gains you get. The most capitalized enterprises in the sample are Novatek, whose Capex exceeded personnel costs by 4.71 times on average, DVMP (4.1) and Gazprom Neft (3.87).

In Russia, companies that spend a lot on Capex almost never share the benefits of productivity growth with employees. Before the pandemic, organizations with significant investments in fixed assets hired qualified specialists at good salaries, while all others recruited unskilled personnel to train them later and paid them badly. But due to the shortage of qualified personnel today, enterprises with high and low capital costs have ceased to differ from each other in the hiring policy; the growth of personnel costs has accelerated for everyone.

Four growth strategies

The study found that the largest Russian companies can be divided into four main groups, reports Vedomosti:

Group A: optimizers which consistently reduced the number of staff in 2012-2023, their output increased by a greater percentage than the number decreased, and the growth in revenue was ahead of the growth of personnel costs. This group consists of 20 companies, metallurgy is most fully represented (seven companies), there are also Sberbank and VTB, Russian Railways, Transcontainer, FGC UES, Transmashholding and Rostelecom.

Group B: optimizers with a weak dependence of revenue on changes in the number of staff. Their revenue growth depends mainly on the customer base or market prices. The group’s companies systematically reduced their staff, the output of employees grew more than the number decreased. This group includes 12 companies, including MTS, Lukoil, UAC and Alrosa.

Group C: the most numerous; these are companies that expand their business or open new directions and hire employees for this purpose. Their revenue, due to the growth of demand, prices or other external factors, is ahead of the growth in numbers and entails production. The group includes 34 companies, including the entire retail group and a significant part of the oil and gas, Yandex and VK, Sibur, Moscow Exchange, DVMP, etc.

Group D: consists of four companies with declining production (on average by less than 0.5% per year). For one of the companies, this was the result of the division of the business, for the rest it involved a change in the accounting policy.

With growing salaries and rising cost pressures, about half the companies in the sample are focusing on boosting labor productivity and operational efficiency. A third of the companies in the sample have set up special units to hunt for operational gains or cost cuts. Top managers have been trained in lean production, process optimization tools and a culture of continuous improvement has been nurtured over the last five years.

Training staff has become increasingly important with three quarters (76%) of the sample reporting investments into improving the skills of their managers over the last five years and more generally training between 5-20% of their staff. Every fifth respondent said they have retrained at least half their staff.

A separate survey carried out by Vedomosti found the most common reason for improving productivity was improving business processes (55%), followed by staff training (48%) and introduction of new IT or automation (45%). Staff reduction was the least popular in sixth place. As companies are increasingly investing in their staff’s training Russian companies have become increasingly reluctant to sack them to simply save money.

The West Could Never Understand How Important Ukraine Was in Russian Public Opinion – Slovakian Magazine Interview with Fyodor Lukyanov

Russia in Global Affairs, 10/9/24

In February of 2008, as Western leaders were considering whether to offer NATO membership to Ukraine and Georgia, William Burns – then US Ambassador to Russia – sent a lengthy cable from Moscow back to Washington warning of the serious dangers involved in such a policy. The title he gave the now-famous cable was ‚Nyet Means Nyet: Russia’s NATO Enlargement Redlines‘. In it, Burns outlined in some detail the results of discussions he’d had on the issue with a wide range of Russian officials and foreign policy experts – including academics and NGO leaders that were clearly pro-Western. All of them, without exception, warned that the NATO membership of either country – but especially of Ukraine – would be widely viewed as a serious military threat to Russia and a dangerous provocation, resulting in all sorts of problems for the region as well as for US-Russia relations. In a particularly prescient passage, Burns recalls experts warning him that, given the strong divisions within Ukraine itself over NATO membership, ‚Russia is particularly worried‘ that the issue ‚could lead to a major split‘ in Ukraine and ‚at worst, civil war.‘ In this case, ‚Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.‘ It is clear that Ambassador Burns understood the gravity of these warnings, and was able to explain why they should be taken seriously.

Since the beginning of Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine in February 2022, the prevailing response from Western leaders has been to dismiss Russian claims that Ukraine’s potential NATO membership represented a serious threat to Russia and its core interests, or to regional stability. After all, they argue, NATO is purely a defensive alliance with no plans whatsoever to attack Russia. Rather, the threat of Ukraine’s NATO membership was used merely as a pretext to justify Russia’s military aggression, which it undertook for very different and darker reasons. It seems clear enough that this Western view is deeply at odds with what the US Ambassador to Moscow wrote in 2008, and with what Russian leaders and experts have been saying consistently ever since. In light of all this, and in order to get a better perspective on just how this whole episode was perceived within Russia itself – by leaders, experts, and ordinary Russians – I decided to get in touch with one of those Russian experts and to hear directly what he had to say about it.

Fyodor Lukyanov is regarded today as one of Russia’s top international relations experts. He describes himself as a product of the ‚huge changes‘ that took place in Russian society over the course of his lifetime. Not least of these was the arrival of Gorbachev and Perestroika in the 1980s, and the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union when he was 24 years old – both of which had a profound impact on his thinking and led him into a career of scholarly journalism. In 2002 – and inspired, he says, by the American journal Foreign Affairs – he was invited by foreign policy expert Sergei Karaganov to help launch what has become one of the country’s most influential foreign policy journals, Russia in Global Affairs, where he still serves as Editor-in-Chief. He is also Research Director of the Valdai Discussion Club – a group of scholars from around the world that meets every year in Russia to discuss global issues – and teaches a course on International Relations at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics.

Q: Many people in the West, and many I know personally, don’t believe that Ukraine’s potential NATO membership ever really presented a threat to Russia, or that this was the real reason for Russia’s invasion. Rather they think Russian leaders simply used this issue as a pretext. Yet William Burns‘ famous 2008 cable seems to show that US leaders knew very well that the Russians viewed Ukrainian membership as a serious threat. As Burns put it, the issue ‚touched a raw nerve‘ in Russia. You have been deeply involved in geopolitical discussions with top experts throughout this whole period. What can you tell us about how this issue is viewed inside of Russia?

The first thing to be said is that this war is a catastrophic tragedy for both nations, for both peoples. It has elements of a civil war, elements of a confrontation between two nation states, and a huge part of this is the international context and Western influence. At the end of the day, we have an absolutely disastrous outcome with two very close nations killing each other, and for reasons which – one beautiful day in the future – are not likely to be seen as sufficient.

As for NATO expansion being just a pretext for Russia’s invasion – it would be great if it were just a pretext, because then we would have a much easier way to settle this. But unfortunately that’s not the case. Because Russian dissatisfaction – to put it mildly – with the security arrangement in Europe that emerged after the Cold War, was there from the very beginning. First the Soviet Union in Gorbachev’s time, and then Russia in the 1990s, disagreed with this idea that Euro-Atlantic institutions are equal to European security. And that idea was actually the main outcome of the Cold War. To put it very simply, the idea behind the European security arrangements after 1990 was: The more NATO, the more security. And Russia has always been unhappy with this, even though for quite a long while it didn’t actively resist. Very clear statements were made from the start – by Yeltsin and all his foreign ministers, including even Andrei Kozyrev, who is now a major US proponent.

All Russian politicians at the time, including the pro-Western ones, said that NATO enlargement was a bad idea – a bad idea for the future of European security.

By the way, there was a cable declassified recently, the transcript of a conversation between Yeltsin and somebody from the American leadership, I think [Strobe] Talbott, where Yeltsin said back in the mid-1990s that actually, we are very much against the enlargement – but we need cooperation with the United States. We need cooperation with Europe. So, we don’t agree, but we have to accept it. And now we have a lot of documents that have been made public on the American side, showing that the Americans were well aware of how opposed the Russian establishment was toward NATO enlargement from the beginning. And of course, there is that famous 2008 cable that you mentioned from William Burns, the US Ambassador, which lays it all out very clearly.

Q: How did Western leaders respond when Russia protested against this kind of NATO expansion?

In the 1990s, when the NATO enlargement process was just beginning and before any final decisions were made, the Americans and Europeans promoting this idea told the Russians: You should not be against it, because NATO enlargement will work in your interest as well, because it will be about strengthening peace and security in Europe, and so on. And the Russians answered: Okay, fine – but we know that if you start with Poland, Czech Republic and other former communist states in Eastern Europe, then at the end of the day Ukraine will also be on the agenda. And their Western counterparts – and I can confirm this by my own experience – their Western counterparts told us: Are you crazy? Which Ukraine? That’s absolutely out of question! How could you even imagine this? And so on. But later on, American documents were made public from 1992, immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union, which show that they had begun to float the idea of Ukrainian membership even back then. So there were no red lines when it came to Russia. And I say all this for one reason, because Western leaders and many commentators said publically in the 1990s and 2000s: Look, the Russians are paranoid. Whenever we discuss peace and security in Europe, they say immediately that Ukraine will be brought into NATO – what bullshit! But in fact, that was the idea from the beginning. Which from the Western point of view – if we disregard Russian objections – was perfectly logical. Why stop? If the West won the Cold War, why not keep going and push it as far as possible? One beautiful day in the future, when this situation is over and we can address these issues calmly and without emotion, this will be an extremely important study – how we spent this period of enormous opportunity in Europe and in the world, and how we derailed everything.

Q: So let’s jump ahead now to 2008, when NATO for the first time officially declared that both Ukraine and Georgia will eventually be brought into NATO. This of course was done at the insistence of the Bush administration over the objections of European countries like France and Germany. And we know from Burns‘ cable, and many other sources, that the Russians were especially worried about this. What can you tell us about how this decision was viewed within Russia?

The decision at the 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest was actually a compromise between the Americans and the Europeans, where they agreed not to give those two nations a membership action plan immediately, but instead to put into the final declaration of the summit that at some future time, Georgia and Ukraine will be members of NATO, full stop. And of course from the Russian point of view this was just another confirmation that the West, and the Americans in particular, would not take anything into account but what they want. This was, of course, the last straw for Russia. In fact, it’s not a coincidence that a military conflict erupted soon afterward in Georgia – which, by the way, was seen as a more promising NATO candidate with Saakashvili in charge. And in this regard 2008 was important. But paradoxically, although Russia used force to stop this enlargement, it didn’t help. Even the use of force didn’t help. The Western approach, that the NATO-led security system should expand, was absolutely untouched. And I think this was a very important lesson that the Russian leadership learned – Medvedev was the president at the time, but Putin was de facto, of course, very much in charge. And this was a warning that was not taken seriously – a warning from the Russian side that from that moment, although we could accept the absorption of Eastern Europe into NATO, we would not accept the absorption of the territories of the former Soviet Union. And the warning was pretty clear – the massive use of force, even though it was short.

And that warning was ignored by the West. And then through this we arrived at 2014, and eventually to 2022.

Q: Just on a side note, what about the Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania? Those were former Soviet territories that had already joined NATO in 2004, but it seems Russia didn’t perceive their membership as such a serious threat – nothing like the potential membership of Georgia or Ukraine.

The Baltic States were regarded as something not exactly organic inside the Soviet Union – they were seen more like the former communist states of Eastern Europe. The most important thing that I personally tried to convey to my counterparts and friends in Europe and the United States at that time, was that former Soviet Republics, in particular Ukraine, were profoundly different from the Russian point of view than any Eastern European state, or even the Baltic States. Because as long as NATO expansion concerned only those states – although it wasn’t good, because Russia accumulated resentment and disappointment – still, it was more or less acceptable. But Ukraine and Georgia, especially Ukraine, were completely different. People in the West could never clearly understand how important the Ukrainian issue was for the Russian consciousness – not just political, or military-political, but in terms of public opinion. So I think the West was very much pacified – and not only the West but we here in Russia as well – by the relatively easy way in which the Soviet Union collapsed, given all the very serious underlying issues that were bound to arise. An example of this is the very fact that Boris Yeltsin did not raise the Crimean issue in December 1991, when they decided, together with Ukrainian President Kravchuk and Belarusian President Shushkevich, to dissolve the Soviet Union. From Kravchuk’s memoir, we know that he was very much afraid that Yeltsin would raise the Crimean issue, the belonging of Crimea to Ukraine. Because they knew in Ukraine that this issue was ambivalent – to put it mildly. But Yeltsin didn’t raise the issue, because he believed at the time that the removal of Gorbachev, the removal of the Soviet Union as an institution, as a state, was more important than such details. And so that created a feeling among many people here, and many people in the West, that the collapse of the Soviet Union was actually very easy, and didn’t bring with it bigger problems.

Q: But there were already some problems, weren’t there? Armenia and Azerbaijan, and so forth?

Yes, something in Armenia and Azerbaijan, something in Georgia, something later in Central Asia, and Moldova. But in general it was nothing big, nothing existential. And that was a mistake for all of us, because we here also believed that the whole thing was actually finished, it was over. And we underestimated the level of public resentment here in Russian society about loss of territories that were considered absolutely, naturally Russian – like Crimea, like Eastern Ukraine, like some others. And furthermore, there was this feeling that the post-Soviet borders could not be changed anymore. That was a deep conviction in the West, and that was more or less public wisdom here. And that would probably have lasted, if it weren’t for the very active and aggressive policy of the West towards former Soviet territories like Ukraine.

Q: I think a lot of people here in the West won’t understand this feeling you’re talking about – why Ukraine is so important for Russians. I have friends that say to me: Look, Ukraine just wanted to become more Western, and that was their choice – they wanted to move in that direction for good reasons, and Russia just couldn’t tolerate it. They portray Russia as an evil power that simply would not let this poor country escape into a better life. So could you maybe explain why it is that Ukraine – particularly eastern Ukraine – generates such strong feelings among the Russian population? Why is it so important to them that Ukraine stay close to Russia?

Well, first, I’m not a big fan of policies based on historical events, but it would be senseless to deny certain historical roots. Russian statehood was born in Kiev. Russia as a nation was baptized in Kiev. Ukraine has always been seen as part of the Russian space. Yes, there was quite a long period in the Middle Ages when Kiev was not significant, because the centre of Russian activity moved to the north – to Moscow, Novgorod and so on. But after that, the territory of present-day Ukraine turned into a place of very intense competition between the Russian state and the Western world – in particular Poland. Also Sweden at that time. Not just in military terms, but in spiritual terms also. So a lot of things were done in this place which shaped Russian identity. Second, and probably most importantly, the line between Russians and Ukrainians has always been extremely vague – you could not draw a line where Russians end and Ukrainians begin. I dare to disagree with President Putin when he says that Russians and Ukrainians are one nation, one people. I believe this is not entirely correct – there is a different nation called Ukrainians. But we have to make distinctions.

As far as eastern Ukraine is concerned, there is no doubt that it was always seen as part of the Russian nation, both by the Russian nation itself and by the people who lived there.

As for the rest of Ukraine – of course, there are different opinions. The western part has always been different, no doubt about that. But what about the central part? In any case, the solution adopted at the breakup of the Soviet Union left the Ukrainian state with borders that did not correspond to the understanding of the people living there, or to the real distribution of Russian and non-Russian populations. This happens historically, of course, not just here but in many places. But here, at the time, it actually made some sense. As long as people believed that the border was only fictional, that it was not a real border, it was fine. But the more the two states developed in different directions, the more difficulties there were.

Q: Weren’t there large parts of the population in Ukraine that very much wanted the country to develop in a direction that moved away from Russia?

To some extent, yes – and that’s another phenomenon which is very important for understanding why it went so badly. When you have two countries, two nations, so close to each other that at the beginning it’s hard to distinguish between them, then – when the smaller nation wants to separate from the bigger one – they need to do everything to demonstrate how different they are, to emphasise what distinguishes them. This is the only way to create an identity, a nation, a national identity. Otherwise, the question would arise one day: Why do we need these two states? Why not merge them? And that was the case with Ukraine. Their whole education, the whole national philosophy, the identity building from the beginning, from 1992, was about why we are different from Russians. And unfortunately, when this naturally causes problems, as always happens in such situations – and then, when you cross the line from how different we are to how opposite we are – then we move to a different level of relationship. And in this particular case, what aggravated the situation was that this feeling was very actively supported – first by NGOs from the West and some diplomats, and then by the whole political machinery of the West. And so from the need to resolve differences we moved to the need to become anti-Russian, which is what happened after 2014.

Q: William Burns‘ cable makes some of these same points, but he also talks about some very practical reasons why the Russians opposed it – how it would impact workers and families living along the border, the issue of Russian defence contracts given to Ukrainian companies, and so on. Was there public discussion about these sorts of issues as well?

Yes, there were serious practical issues – and probably the most important was the military one. Ask any military strategist, be it Russian or Ukrainian or American, they will say the same. If Ukraine was going to become an anti-Russian military stronghold – NATO member, non-NATO member, it doesn’t matter – the challenges to Russian security were sure to increase enormously. This is obvious just from the point of view of military-minded geopolitics. If you have this territory against you, as a bulwark for the enemy, then Russia needs to pay incomparably more attention to its security. And of course there are other practical reasons, and we can name many of them. Practical issues can be resolved, but when they are based on a very deep historical intertwined relationship, with no easy way to find a line of separation, then you face a real problem. And so, if we take all these things together – history, humanitarian issues, strategic and practical issues – then we begin to understand the absolutely unique relationship between these two countries and how difficult it is to separate them.

Q: So let’s move ahead now to 2014 and the Maidan Revolution, which of course started as a peaceful protest, and ended with the violent overthrow of President Yanukovych and his replacement in Kiev with a pro-Western government. How were these events seen within Russia at the time?

I would say we have some exaggerations here. Of course, the almost-official position is that Maidan was simply a CIA plot – which I don’t believe was the case. Because of course, the situation in Ukraine was extremely complicated, and there were some objective preconditions for that. But no doubt it was used by the West. And there was massive support – moral, political, financial support – given to those who wanted to turn Ukraine away from Russia. That was simply a fact of life. No one denies it anymore – I think it’s absolutely common wisdom in the West as well. The West is proud of this. And that’s why the perception of Maidan is that it was a kind of milestone in the creation of a different Ukraine. This creation started much earlier, of course. It actually started immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union – the first steps toward the transformation of Ukraine into very much an anti-Russian entity. But it didn’t go well. It became difficult, because it was not easy to turn the Ukrainian population towards this. But step by step it happened, and 2014 was the final turning point. And by 2022, unfortunately, we had all the premises and conditions in place for a big war. And again – nowadays Americans, British and Europeans all proudly say that between 2014 and 2022 they were preparing Ukraine for its big war with Russia. They proudly say it.

Of course, Russia made a lot of terrible mistakes. And I think the beginning of this campaign was a disaster, because of a total misreading of the enemy, of the opponent.

But to say that peaceful Ukraine was attacked by aggressive Russia is a very big simplification – to put it mildly. The situation by 2022 was unfortunately very much primed for a big war.

Q: I’d like to ask you about Crimea, and the Russian decision to annex it in March 2014. It seems that whenever Crimean people have been asked what they prefer, whether by referendum or poll – even a poll organised by the West – the answer is always the same, they want to be part of Russia. On the other side, the West and Ukraine have always viewed this annexation as a serious violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and the sanctity of its borders. And it has certainly created a lot of resentment, especially among Ukrainian nationalists. How was this whole issue seen within Russia at the time? How did you and your colleagues see it?

Of course it was seen in a very positive light. I remember that this move was highly popular – people very much welcomed it. As for the expert community, or strategic community, I think most people basically endorsed it, because it was seen as a reaction to the pretty brutal regime change that had just happened in Kiev. And from the beginning, that regime change was positioned as very much anti-Russian – anti-Russian in terms of the Russian state, but also in terms of the Russian community living in parts of Ukraine. That’s why many people in Eastern Ukraine didn’t accept this, and they started trying to do something to stop it, or reverse it. For professionals, I think another very important reason, or justification, was the Sevastopol naval base and the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which represents Russia’s only access to the Mediterranean. There was absolutely no doubt that if Crimea were to remain part of Ukraine, the Ukrainian leadership would very soon request that the Russian fleet withdraw from Crimea. Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president until he was overthrown in the February coup a month earlier, had signed an extension allowing the Russian fleet to remain until 2042. But the new rule in Kiev was clearly to denounce this agreement. And the old agreement for the Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea was due to expire in 2017. And so, to everyone in Moscow it was absolutely obvious that the Ukrainians would not extend this lease. And for Russia to lose the Black Sea Naval Base would be a very, very big setback in strategic terms. And in fact, very soon after this, what happened in Syria – the Russian involvement in an operation by Syria’s request, which required Russian access to the Mediterranean – confirmed that the Russian naval presence in the Black Sea was extremely important.

And so Crimea was seen as a big success. In particular because there was no bloodshed, no military standoff. It was just a very elegant military operation. It was seen as a legitimate action to protect Russian strategic interests and the Russian people in that area. My guess is that those who planned the special military operation in 2022 wanted to repeat something like this with the whole of Ukraine, but unfortunately it failed.

Q: I’m sure you’re well aware of how this whole Crimean episode was seen in the West. None of the things you’ve described are ever mentioned. It’s been portrayed as purely an aggressive move by Russia to grab territory from Ukraine. How do Russians react when they see this kind of Western narrative?

You know, today, in September of 2024, it’s almost senseless to discuss how that episode was perceived in the West or in Russia, because what we have now is much worse – such a deep, full-scale polarization of views. Our views are completely incompatible. But even back then – I remember talking with my European colleagues and friends sometime after 2014, long before the current military conflict, and they said to us: You live in a propaganda-led society, and you are fooled by military propaganda about Ukraine. And I tried to explain to them that things are much more complicated than propaganda. I explained that for absolutely objective reasons, not because of propaganda, we simply cannot see and feel Ukraine in the same way. Russians and Western Europeans – say Dutch or Portuguese – simply have a completely different set of associations and feelings vis-à-vis Ukraine. Because of our different histories, because we perceive different kinds of interconnections, and so on. So that’s normal. But please don’t say that we are wrong and you are right, because the truth is that we simply see it from completely different angles. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict as seen from Spain, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as seen from Moscow, are different conflicts – for perfectly objective historical and cultural reasons. But I was unsuccessful in convincing them – because they, of course, frame the conflict in what is for them quite a normal scheme: An old empire is trying to regain a former part of it. And it’s true that this scheme can be applied to some aspect of the conflict. But it’s just one element of this very complicated picture, and by far not the most important one.

Q: Wasn’t the simple fact that Russia took the Crimean territory from a neighbouring country – even though it was without bloodshed and the local population wanted it – wasn’t that enough to ensure that Western countries would never accept it?

Yes, and that’s probably another important element of this. The European historical experience – especially the experience of the 20th century – taught Europeans a very important lesson. If you start to talk about borders, to touch borders, it leads to disasters, to world wars and so on. And that’s understandable. That’s exactly what happened in Europe several times. And the whole political settlement, the geopolitical settlement of the second half of the 20th century after the Second World War, was based on this idea: Let’s fix the borders, and don’t touch them. Which is reasonable. And this idea was functioning and working efficiently in the situation we had during the Cold War, when we had a more or less well-organized geopolitical order. It was unpleasant, it was bad – it was based on mutual deterrence and many bad things – but it was pretty well-established and well-functioning. And in this situation, yes – borders were respected as something that ruled out conflict between the biggest players. And those conflicts were seen as so dangerous that we could not afford them. But the whole system collapsed with the collapse of the Soviet Union. And the new system was based on the idea that: Ok, formal borders should not be touched; but at the same time, if they do change – like happened in Yugoslavia, like happened in the Soviet Union, and in other places – that’s fine, especially if this change is in favour of the so-called free world, the Western-led international system.

And Russia did respect this – until 2014. Until Crimea. Russia was very clear about not violating this rule. Even in the case of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Russia formally recognised those states, but there was no annexation, no integration into Russia. The Soviet-drawn borders still existed – until Crimea. The Ukrainian development in 2014, however, was seen as an extremely strong Western intervention, intended to profoundly reshape the whole geopolitical status quo in this region. And that’s why the reaction was so harsh as to take this territory belonging to Ukraine – to take Crimea.

Q: It seems to me that Crimea being in Ukraine was not such an unusual case – that there are many places in the world where people find themselves living as minorities because they somehow ended up on the wrong side of a border, and are unhappy about it. Isn’t this a big problem that should be tackled internationally somehow?

Yes, and in general I think in years to come the nature of borders might very well become one of the most vibrant and risky issues we face. Not only in the area of the former Soviet Union, but in many other places as well. Because it’s clear that many borders inherited from the 20th century were drawn for reasons which had nothing to do with rationality – be it in the Soviet Union, in Africa, Asia, the former Middle East, and so on. Even in Europe. I think we are entering an extremely dangerous space in regard to this issue. But it’s a little bit simplistic to say that everything was great and then Russia came and destroyed this great situation. No, unfortunately all the preconditions for this crisis were created much earlier.

Q: Before we finish I’d like to ask how you see the current situation in Ukraine today, and how you think it’s likely to develop. In the kind of poisoned political atmosphere we have today, which seems to be getting only worse, do you think there’s any chance of serious talks taking place anytime soon?

Indeed, I think talks will take place in the end. The question is: How far are we from that point? And I’m afraid we’re still very far. So it’s not about any serious talks soon. We know from other conflicts that peace negotiations start to make sense only when the parties involved realise they cannot achieve much more by military means. And then, after this realisation comes – not immediately, but after a while – some kind of real diplomacy starts. But we’re still far away from that, on both sides. Actually in this particular conflict we have not two parties, but three: Russia, Ukraine and the West. And at this point none of them believe that the current situation on the ground, or the situation in general, calls for efforts to freeze it. And I don’t believe we will be there this year. Next year, maybe. But it could take another year as well. Of course, some things depend on the general political constellation, in particular the outcome of the elections in the United States. But having said that, I would not overestimate the importance of those elections. Even if Donald Trump wins – and he seems to have a somewhat different view on the Ukrainian issue than the current administration – he is not an emperor. He will not be able just to change the policy and totally revise everything.

So I don’t believe a political change in the United States will have an immediate impact on military activities.

Q: How about on the Russian side?

On the Russian side, you can hear views that this conflict is of an existential nature. So we need to have a clear victory, in order to push the West towards the need to accept Russian interests. On the Western side we have basically the same thing, but the mirror image: that Russia should be delivered a significant defeat in order to save and strengthen the rules-based world order. From my point of view, both positions are too far to one side or the other to be realistic. On the Russian side, I don’t expect such a huge victory that would reshape the whole of European geopolitics. And on the American side, on the Western side, I don’t see how any outcome of this conflict – even if it’s a relative success for the West and Ukraine – will stop the biggest thing that’s happening: the objective trend toward the erosion of the American-centric international system. It’s happening already, and will continue. So I guess that both sides should at some point arrive at a more realistic assessment of the possible outcomes. Again, we are not there yet, and we will not be there anytime soon. But at the end of the day, there’s no other way but to negotiate a settlement. It’s inevitable.


By John Helmer, Website, 10/11/24

If you want to understand who is winning the American war against Russia on the Ukrainian battlefield, and also in the world’s commodity trade markets, you can start by calculating the life expectancy of a NATO-trained Ukrainian soldier on the front line, or of a NATO staff officer in a command bunker he thought was safe. Then you can check the life expectancy of a Russian pig.

The losses of the former are Russia’s tactical gains; they aren’t yet victory in the war.

But it’s the latter, the Russian pig (lead image) who, upon turning into pork, is breaking through the enemy’s defences towards strategic victory of Russian economic power to capture a world market. This means defeat – unrecoverable loss of market share – for the hostile states led by the once powerful pork exporters, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Canada, and the US. As the most recent European Union (EU) pig and pork slaughter data show, the war is pushing up the energy and feed costs of pig farming, and drastically cutting European exports of pork to the Asian consumer market, the biggest in the world.

There, Russia’s strategic ally China has cancelled the closure of its market in effect for Russia since 2008, and simultaneously has begun pork trade restriction moves against Spain, Denmark and The Netherlands, the principal European exporters of pork to China [3]. In trade war retaliation, China is also steadily reducing the volume and value of its pork imports from the US since 2021 [4].

Behind the Ukraine front, the test of who is winning the war against Russia is also who puts their money and their meat where their mouth is. In Russia, meat consumption is rising per capita to a level never recorded before in Russian history. At the same time, the country has become the world’s fifth largest pork producer [5]. 

From self-sufficiency in pork production in 2018 to the export of market surplus, this industry achievement has been based on direct and indirect state support measures, including retaliation against EU imports which followed the start of the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions in 2014. 

“Practically speaking,” says Yury Kovalev, “we no longer have imports, but not because this is closed, but because over the past fifteen years an entire industry has been created, production has grown every year, and we have almost completely abandoned import dependence.” Kovalev is general director of Russia’s National Union of Pig Breeders (NSS). Kovalev is also forecasting that Russian pork exports will soon capture about 10% of the Chinese import market – about 300,000 tonnes per annum – displacing the Europeans [6]. 

Here is the Russian market story from all sources, just before the opening of the China trade began in September 2023 [7]. 

For the full 15-year, 45-story archive on Russian pork, click to read [8]. The concentration of the pork industry into fewer large corporate hands, including the oligarch-sized Miratorg group of the Linnik brothers (14.3% market share) and the Rusagro combine of Vadim Moshkovich (5.9%), has been analyzed through this archive. According to the latest tabulation published this February, over the past year the Linniks have increased their production by 21% to 803,500 tonnes, and lifted their market share from 12.6% to 14.3%. The top-5 pork producers now have a combined market share of 38%; this has not changed compared with a year ago; by contrast, in 2011 the top-5 Russian producers accounted for 26% of the market.


Published by the National Union of Pig Breeders (NSS), February 2024 [10].

No industry source will say publicly that the financial subsidies, trade protection and other administrative resources applied to the pork industry by the Putin administration to end import dependency and secure the domestic food chain are also responsible for the accelerating concentration of ownership and profit.

In this newly published report on the Russian pork industry, Vzglyad, the semi-official platform for security analysis, explains the reasons for the exceptional success. Between the lines, however, the publication targets the Kremlin economic advisors, led by Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina, for running a high-interest rate policy [11]. Vzglyad did not ask its sources to estimate what the net loan rate to the pork producers is after they offset their cost, investment, tax and other government benefits.

The Russian text has been translated verbatim; illustrations have been added.



October 8, 2024

Russia has made a revolution in animal husbandry

How has Russia managed to achieve outstanding success in animal

husbandry in twenty years

By Olga Samofalova

Russia has taken the fourth place among the world’s largest meat producers. Experts call it the livestock miracle of Russia. After all, Russia has come a long way from an overwhelming dependence on American meat to reach complete self-sufficiency in poultry meat plus pork. How has Russia raised animal husbandry from its knees in 20 years, who helped the country in this, and why are there not comparably impressive successes in beef so far?

Russia has managed to achieve the fourth place among the world’s largest meat producers. This was recently stated by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a meeting with Chairman of the Board of the Russian Agricultural Bank Boris Listov.

According to the National Meat Association, imports of meat and meat products from 2003 to 2023 decreased from 2.67 million tonnes to 0.64 million tonnes.

Particularly impressive results in import substitution have been achieved for poultry and pork meat. Meat imports in the early 2000s reached 1.2 million tonnes, but in 2023 only 0.23 million tonnes were imported.

“Imports of pork and pork offal, including lard, over the years has reached from 600,000 tonnes to 1.250 million tonnes at its peak in 2010. This year, pork imports will be only 3,000 tonnes, and exports will be about 300,000 tonnes. Beef imports have also decreased significantly, though not because of our successes, but because of changes in the structure of domestic consumption: other types of meat have become much cheaper than beef, and people have begun to eat less beef. Imports in 2003 reached 700,000 tonnes, and in 2023 decreased to 231,000 tonnes, and this year we will supply about 40,000 tonnes of beef for export to other countries,” says Sergei Yushin, Head of the Executive Committee of the National Meat Association.

How did Russia manage to achieve such incredible success in animal husbandry for poultry and pork?

Yushin, chief executive of the National Meat Association, recalls that from the 1990s into the early 2000s, the situation was difficult: 70% of consumption was provided by imported broiler meat – the famous ‘Bush legs [14]’. There was an excess of legs in the USA, as they prefer other parts of the chicken there.

Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush at the signing of the June 1, 1990, agreement on trade which started the flow of American chicken legs into the Russian market. In 2013 these US chicken exports to Russia earned $303 million. In retaliation for the Obama Administration’s sanctions against Russia which began in March 2014 [16], Vladimir Putin issued a retaliatory import ban in August 2014 which stopped Bush legs in the Russian market [17]. 

“The first investments went specifically into broiler production, because it is the most affordable and acceptable meat for Russians; there are no religious restrictions on its use; a low payback period due to the rapid production of a piece of meat from chicken, unlike pig farming where the terms of investment return are several times longer, not to mention beef cattle where capital costs are also much higher,” says Yushin.

Interestingly, the first major investors in Russian poultry farming were American funds, which began to actively come to Russia after 1998.

An important milestone in the development of animal husbandry was the arrival of Alexei Gordeyev to the Ministry of Agriculture in the early 2000s. “Gordeyev drew attention to the fact that import dependence is dangerous, and if a man-made disaster occurs, or animal disease, then there will be nothing to eat. Secondly, it was a shame that Russia, having huge territories for the production of animal feed, oilseeds, etc., is so heavily dependent on imported meat,” says Yushin (right).

The main problem, he said, was the low and often negative profitability of production, so Gordeyev set about the task of ensuring profitability. Accordingly, in 2005, customs and tariff regulation measures were introduced – quotas were introduced for meat imports, and high duties were imposed on import volumes exceeding the quota. This has led to an increase in meat prices and then to the incomes of Russian enterprises. Europe used the same measures to raise its livestock production after the Second World War, the source recalls.

Since about 2005, thanks to these import duties, a second industry has appeared that has become interesting to investors – pig farming.

“Many foreign companies, primarily German, Danish and French, also took part in the formation of modern pig farming in Russia. They not only built their own pig farms, but also provided expertise, technological equipment, breeding programs, genetic material, and so on,” Yushin says.

The second important stage was the implementation in 2006-2007 of the National Agro–industrial Complex Development Project, where for the first time the state provided preferential loans for livestock farming. Government support and cheap money have done their job – banks have become more willing to lend to companies to build farms.

The third stage was the adoption in 2008 of the state program for the development of agriculture and regulation of the market of agricultural products, raw materials and food, which was in effect for four years until 2012. “This program provided for a number of measures to support agricultural producers, including animal husbandry. These are the construction of new and modernization of old facilities, zero rates for the supply of breeding material from abroad. Then substantial funding was allocated,” the source says.

In 2012, Russia joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), and measures were provided to protect our market for livestock farmers. At the same time, the state support program was extended until 2020.

“All these years, enterprises have been built in Russia. We worked closely with leading foreign companies that supplied us with the best equipment, the best technologies, the best breeding material, and advised on the production of feed for farm animals. Genetic companies, world market leaders, opened their representative offices in Russia and trained our specialists. They have done a lot of work on the development of breeding in Russia. There was a breakdown of stereotypes that the work of a collective farmer is dirty and for the uneducated. Very educated, erudite and active people have joined the industry. Without this, nothing would have happened either,” Yushin believes.

Another factor which helped the Russian livestock miracle happen was the growth of household incomes in the 2000s when meat consumption began to grow in step with the growth of the economy.

Over twenty years, meat consumption in Russia has increased from 52 kg per capita in 2003 to 80 kg per capita in 2023; this includes poultry from 18 kg to 36 kg and pork from 17 kg to 32 kg, while beef consumption has decreased from 17 kg to 13 kg.


Source: [20]

“Despite the large volumes of imports, we had to produce more and more and the demand of the population supported good prices, which allowed companies to take out new loans and build, build, build. We have built a huge number of enterprises, created more than a hundred thousand new jobs. The development of animal husbandry has prompted the accelerated development of crop production, the construction of the most advanced feed mills, veterinary science, vaccine production, etc.,” says Yushin.

It is clear that at the stage of the formation of animal husbandry in Russia, the cost of meat was artificially inflated by the government’s import restrictions.

“I don’t hide the fact that at the initial stage in the second half of the 2000s and in the first half of the 2010-2020 decade, Russians overpaid for meat compared to the world market. But the goal was to raise profitability and increase local production. So that the moment will come when the competition in the market will be so fierce that meat will become one of the cheapest in the world for us.”


Source: [22]


Source: [24]

“And indeed, today commercial pork is more expensive in Brazil, in Canada and the US, where traditionally there were cheap pigs – pork is more expensive there than in our country. In terms of poultry meat, we are one of the lowest in price,” says Yushin.

Over the past decade, active work has been underway to open export markets. “We are displacing [other country] imports in the competitive struggle, but our market is also not so flexible — people cannot go on eating infinitely more meat. Our meat consumption level has already increased to 83 kg per person, and this is the level of rich countries. Therefore, our potential is to increase exports. Russia already supplies meat to more than 60 countries on a regular basis,” the expert says.

Exports of meat and meat products have grown enormously in twenty years – by a magnitude of 22 times: from 36,000 tonnes in 2003 (mainly supplied to neighbouring CIS countries) to 800,000 tonnes in 2023. Foreign countries bought 343,000 tonnes of poultry meat, 223,000 tonnes of pork, and 36,000 tonnes of beef. 

An important step was the understanding of the country’s leadership that top officials of the state should develop exports, as did the presidents of the United States, Brazil, the Prime Minister of France, etc., the expert notes. The departments of government have also joined the effort in parallel, and the Ministry of Agriculture has created a strong agricultural attaché apparatus abroad. “We see the result: almost 45 billion roubles worth exports of agricultural products. Who would have believed this ten years ago,” Yushin notes.

Another thing, the expert does not hide, is that the current situation with expensive money due to the high key loan rate of the Central Bank greatly complicates the situation. “To be realistic, the industry may face a period of stagnation in investment and a halt in growth. And then we will lose the fight for world markets to other countries where loans are still cheap. No one will take out loans at 22% to 23%. The cost of construction has almost doubled in price over the past five years. The labour force has not only risen in price, but we also have a shortage of workers,” the source expresses concern.

Another potential for the development of animal husbandry in Russia lies in cattle meat. “Russia has not achieved great success in beef, except that it fully meets the needs of the Russian market in expensive marbled beef, which was previously imported from America and Australia. Consumption of this expensive meat has increased ten times in 10 years. In addition, we also export it. However, there were no large investments in beef, with the exception of a few projects. There are very long payback periods, the infrastructure of cattle raising is not developed, and there is low or even negative profitability. So we see a continuing decline in the number of cattle. We have enough beef, plus there are imports, but beef is where Russia could take the next step, albeit it’s a difficult one. But this requires no less money than other projects. We are talking about a trillion rubles and a period of 10-20 years,”” Yushin concludes. Beef in Russia is also one of the cheapest in the world, and this is one of its tragedies, since the low price scares off investors and slows down the development of the industry.