Bruce Allyn on Negotiating with Vladimir Putin

In this seminar from May 19th, Bruce Allyn applies insight from the fields of negotiation and mediation to define practical steps that both US and Russian sides can take today to realize both individual and shared interests in a relationship that has descended into bitter enmity. We will look at how to “zoom out” to big-picture strategy—realizing what is at stake—and how to “zoom in” to Vladimir Putin the negotiator: his formative years, his heroes, his psychology, his intentions and current aspirations. Allyn will examine practical steps to break the cycle of offense and revenge that has characterized U.S.-Russian relations over the past three decades since the exhilarating days when the Berlin Wall came down and the old Cold War ended. Allyn will suggest how both sides can “go to the balcony” and see what creative options exist today that might elude them in the heat of battle, referencing work laid out in a recent Foreign policy article, What Biden and Putin Can Agree On.SHOW LESS