My Thoughts on the Passing of Mikhail Gorbachev

My purpose in choosing to focus my writing from 2014 to the present on Russia and U.S..-Russia relations is to educate Americans on what Russia is really like in all its fascinating complexity, to understand Russians’ point of view, and to counter the propaganda that contributes to poor relations between our two nations. 

I grew up with the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war as a backdrop during the 1980’s, which made a lasting impression on me.  I was in high school when Gorbachev and President Reagan ended the Cold War and negotiated the INF treaty.  It is one of the inspirations for my work today. 

While I realize that many Russians view Gorbachev negatively, seeing him as the catalyst for the chaos and instability of the 90’s under Yeltsin, it can’t be denied that he made an important contribution to world peace and nuclear disarmament.

Below is my favorite Gorbachev interview.

2 thoughts on “My Thoughts on the Passing of Mikhail Gorbachev”

  1. wow!

    great interview

    I’ve just got to the part where he invokes Eisenhower (military-industrial complex warning)

    “now Eisenhower, there was a warrior … ”

    thanks for posting :>)

  2. What I remember is his refusal to use violence, to use the state monopoly, against the people he was there to serve. Much of what he is blamed for came after he lost power, a loss of power he could not have prevented without using violence, and a lot of it. Best to put the blame on a man who you know won’t strike you down, better yet, who can’t strike you down.

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