4 thoughts on “Kim Iversen: MSM Claims Ukrainian Children Are Being KIDNAPPED And SOLD To Russians”

    1. Oh come now, you do not believe the ISW quoting a non-existent withdrawn, report from Mariupol? /sarc.

  1. A recent interview with Jeffrey Sachs clearly explains and contextualizes how the war in Ukraine came about.
    Sachs explains that the proxy war against Russia has not come out of the blue. It is essentially based on the same rationale and mindset that led to the destruction of Iraq and Libya and the attempt to destroy Syria. The ideological foundation for current US foreign policy, regardless of which party is in control of the White House, was spelled out back in 2000 in a document published by the neo-con think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC). In this document–“Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (https://cryptome.org/rad.htm)–the neo-con strategy for US global hegemony in perpetuity was elaborated in detail. The war to turn Russia into another vassal state is just the latest installment in this decades-long project, with China next on the agenda. As long as the neo-cons control the US foreign policy establishment, and until the unipolar vision elaborated by the PNAC is discredited and abandoned, the world will never have peace.

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