Majority of Europeans View Russia as a Rival But Think Their Country Should Enter Partnership with Russia After War Ends

Russia Matters, 6/9/23

More than two-thirds of the residents of 11 EU countries polled by ECFR view Russia as an adversary or rival, but also an average of more than two-thirds of the April poll’s respondents think their country should enter into a partnership with Russia if its war with Ukraine ends in a negotiated peace. The poll, which was conducted in Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden, also revealed 26% of respondents viewed Russia and China as equal partners, while 13% viewed them as unequal partners and 9% did not see Moscow and Beijing as partners at all. (This week alone has seen Russian and Chinese militaries conduct joint strategic air patrols and announce the participation of Russian troops in the PLA’s North. Interaction-2023 exercises.)

2 thoughts on “Majority of Europeans View Russia as a Rival But Think Their Country Should Enter Partnership with Russia After War Ends”

  1. The twentieth century has been a long war between the US and Russia over Europe. While it has taken various forms, Russia is part of Europe, while the US, for all its efforts, is not.

    1. As Melina Mercouri’s nephew would say, “You’re absolutely right!” 🙂

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