The Duran: NATO summit failure and further Biden escalation w/ Jeffrey Sachs

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Glad to hear Sachs address how Washington intentionally refused to allow the Soviet Union/Russia the same policies to stabilize its currency, cancel its debt and prevent hyperinflation as it did previously with post-Soviet Poland. My previous research was based on sources that demonized Sachs as a facilitator of the robbing of 90’s Russia by the west. According to his version of events, he strenuously tried to prevent that with his advice to Washington, only to be overruled. – Natylie

One thought on “The Duran: NATO summit failure and further Biden escalation w/ Jeffrey Sachs”

  1. “sources that demonized Sachs as a facilitator of the robbing of 90’s Russia by the west. ”

    thx for pointing this out.

    When I first heard that Sachs was going public in matters concerning this war – in a critical way (!) – I was extremely irritated.

    What I knew stemmed from the 1990s and that had virtually made him a persona-non-grata among leftists when discussing the Post-Soviet era.

    I needed a little time to understand the “new” Sachs. By now his speeches and articles have become a valuable asset for the antiwar movement. And I respect his empathy and honesty very much.

    (I don´t agree with his idealization of JFK but that´s another matter…)

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